An interesting post has appeared on the official social channels of Larian Studios, completely dedicated to the announcement of the broadcast, which will allow us to learn more details about the future of Baldur's Gate 3 this month.
Panel From Hell - Holy Knight, that's what the show is called, will take place on December 14, 2022, at 21:00 Moscow time. The event will be streamed live on the company's official Twitch channel and hosted by the ubiquitous Jeff Keely, who will also host the long-awaited The Game Awards 2022 evening.
Unfortunately, it is not yet known what the topics of the evening will be, but, as the developers of Baldur's Gate 3 themselves announced a few days ago, they are expected to talk about a new major patch that should be released before the end of the year and about what awaits the game in 2023. According to some rumors, moreover, there is a possibility that the game will be announced on consoles, or rather, on the Xbox Series X|S.
After all, Baldur's Gate 3 was only planned for PC and Google Stadia, and with the announcement of the closure of the Mountain View giant's platform, it's likely that the team could focus on a second version of the RPG.
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