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The creators of Hogwarts Legacy confirmed that the characters can jump and fans reacted violently to this news


The creators of Hogwarts Legacy confirmed that the characters can jump and fans reacted violently to this news

A small but important feature has been confirmed in the Hogwarts Legacy game that has made a lot of players excited. In many third-person games, a simple feature is often left out due to the fact that it requires animation work and may conflict with world and level design. And that feature is jumping. Luckily, Hogwarts Legacy does not exclude this feature. Whether jumping will play a role in the gameplay is not yet known, but many fans are already jumping in place for joy.

Confirmation came via the game's official Twitter account, and there are many happy fans in the replies. Some fans have been critical of the feature's actual animation, but for the most part, players seem happy to know they'll be able to jump in the game. Yes, and many simply joke about such news, because it is obvious that it is joking. Although, how to say, some bloggers have recorded a video discussing the possibility, or impossibility, of jumping into a future game in the Harry Potter universe. At the time of writing, the tweet showing the jump has nearly 30,000 likes and 900 comments.

You can see the feature in action for yourself, courtesy of the game's official Twitter account:

The height of the jump suggests that it won't play any meaningful role in the gameplay, and thus, presumably, it was just for show. However, for now, this is just speculation.

Hogwarts Legacy releases February 10, 2023 for Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, and Xbox Series X.
