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50 best new mods for TES 5: Skyrim

 The new combat system, improved stealth, full season change, and more

A true classic that just turned 11 years old and is played by thousands of gamers. True, it cannot be said that TES 5 has not grown old: in order to get the most vivid impressions from it today, you should download a lot of fans works that expand and improve the game. In our traditional annual article, we once again dive into the ocean of modifications and fish out 50 pearls that appeared in 2022.

Graphics and animations

Let's start, as usual, with graphics. One of the main problems of the picture in Skyrim is dullness and insufficient volumetric lighting. Many put various ENB, SweetFX, and other reshades, but they significantly reduce performance. And not everyone likes the modified color correction with many filters. Fortunately, in 2022, ENB appeared with a palette close to the original and not consuming a lot of video card resources - The Vanilla ENB 2.

Three people worked on the modification under the nicknames Foosh, Firemanaf, and Kitsune. They have a very neat remaster of lighting, shading, and color grading. The picture resembles a “vanilla” game, but with newfangled features: there is diffuse shading, shadows in the distance, dynamic grass lighting, smoothed sky, and cloud gradients, underwater effects, and more. The authors also worked on the palette and color, which made the graphics more saturated.

The Vanilla ENB 2 is the main graphic novelty of 2022. It neatly modernizes the picture, complementing, rather than changing the idea of ​​​​the developers, and at the same time almost does not eat up FPS. Below are some more interesting and fresh graphics mods.

Also worthy of mention:

  • ELFX Shadows. Addon for the famous mod Enhanced Lights and FX, which adds shadows from window frames and improves the performance of ELFX itself. Authors: WiZkiD and nicola89b.
  • Shadow Diffusion. Makes shadows less harsh and more diffuse, or vice versa, depending on the weather. Author: doodlez.
  • Enhanced Volumetric Lighting and Shadows. Synchronizes volumetric lighting and shading with the position of the sun or moons, making the picture more realistic. Author: Lonely Kitsuune .
  • Splashes of Storms. Adds splashes from raindrops on the ground, walls, and even the character. Realistic ripples also appear on the water. Author: powerofthree.
  • Skyland Dragonborn. A complete retexture of the landscape and architecture on the island of Solstheim from the Dragonborn add-on. Author: Skyking2020.

Game world

Game world

In addition to new lighting and textures, fans are making many improvements and additions to make the virtual world of Skyrim more believable. First of all, we note the work of the moderator under the nickname powerofthree. He decided to correct the seasonal illogicality of the game, which consisted in the fact that all year-round streams run around Whiterun and greenery blooms, and the whole of Winterhold is swept up by snow. The Seasons of Skyrim mod adjusts the color palette of vegetation depending on the month and also changes the textures of roads, walls, and other surfaces to dry, wet, or snowy.

Also worthy of mention:

  • Moons and Stars. Adjusts the movement of the stars in the night sky to match the phases of the moon. Authors: powerofthree and wSkeever.
  • Northern Roads. Changes the appearance of paths depending on their location. So, now only roads near large cities will be paved with stone, while next to villages you can see only paths. In addition, in fashion, bridges also differ from each other in materials. Author: JPSteel2.
  • LuxVia. Updates the textures of roads and bridges, and adds lights at intersections. Author: GGUNIT.
  • Nature of the Wild Lands. A complete overhaul of the forests in Skyrim. Adds 300 (!) new types of trees and other plants and makes thickets different in density. Author: fxckthisworld.



In addition to an improved picture, good sound is also important, as a lot of small details in animations, visual effects, and even in the interface. All this, if performed at the proper level, improves immersion in the game. For Skyrim, there is even a whole category of mods, which is called immersion.

Here we note the work of the author Dylan James. A modification called Reverb Interior Sounds Expansion adds a more noticeable effect of reverberation of sounds in caves and other rooms, which takes into account wall materials. And inside the houses, there are finally sounds of wind, storms, rain, and other weather outside.

Also worthy of mention:

  • Bleeding Edge. Improves the sounds of bladed weapons, adding resonant hit and swing effects. Moreover, they differ depending on the surface (metal, stone, leather, etc.) and the type of weapon (one-handed sword, two-handed ax, etc.). Author: pentapox.
  • Sharpen Other Swords 2. Diversifies the weapon sharpening animation by adding other types of blades (instead of the standard sword). In addition, blacksmiths in cities work with weapons that are more suited to the region: Dwemer in Markarth, Imperial in Solitude, Orc in Orc strongholds, and so on. Author: wankingSkeever .
  • Immersive Equipment Displays. Places an unequipped weapon on the back. But not everything is necessary - you can customize the display through the inventory. For example, bows, staves, and other two-handed weapons will be most in place. Author: Slavic Potato.
  • Carry My Stuff Horse. Nice addition to the previous mod. Fixes weapon "falling through" into a horse when placed on a character's back. Equipment will now hang on the side of the mount when you mount it. Author: GiraPomba.
  • Wade In Water Redone. Slows down the movement of the character and the animation of the legs in the water. First of all, it is noticeable at a shallow depth near the coast or when crossing a ford. Authors: doodlez and Loki.
  • Soaking Wet. The character will come out wet from the water, not dry like in vanilla. Also, the effect can be turned on in bad weather, when it rains or snows. Author: Slavic Potato.
  • NPCs React To Necromancy. Causes civilians and guards to respond to the call of the undead and other black magic. Author: JaySerpa.
  • Use Those Blankets. Sims will learn to sleep under covers instead of on top of made beds. Author: JaySerpa.
  • Sleeping Expanded. If you pester an NPC with questions when he is resting, he will rudely complain that he was disturbed at an inopportune time. Also, sleepers will now breathe, and not lie like corpses. Also, in the mod, the player's character instantly jumps out of bed if attacked (in vanilla it takes 9 seconds!) Author: JaySerpa.
  • Security Overhaul - Lock Variations. Diversifies the locks on doors and chests, adding many new designs. Appearance varies by location and geographic region. Authors: kreiste , wSkeever and powerofthree .



When finished with the appearance, it's time to move on to the gameplay. There are so many interesting new modifications in this category that we have divided it into three subcategories: gameplay in general, combat system, and stealth. Among the general gameplay mods, we liked the remake of the fan-made co-op mode called Skyrim Together Reborn from the independent development team The Together Team.

In the new version, you can not only travel around the world with a friend and fight mobs but also complete quests. Plus, the mod now allows you to play online with a small company of up to 8 people.

Also worthy of mention:

  • Destructible Skyrim. Makes many items destructible! This applies to furniture, dishes, and food, but not walls, stairs, and other architectural structures. Author: Odd Coward.
  • EVG Animated Traversal. Allows you to add scripts to levels to overcome tight spaces, climb ledges and even use ladders. Author: Everglaid.
  • Better Third-Person Selection. Makes it easier to pick up items when playing in 3rd person. The scope now highlights everything at some distance from the character, and not just what is directly under your feet. Author: Shrimperator.
  • Elden Sprint. Eliminates the need to constantly wait for stamina to recover after a short sprint. Now it is spent on running only in battle. Author: Naxmaardur.

Combat system and magic

Combat system and magic

Valhalla Combat has been the most anticipated combat mod in 2022. The work of the author under the nickname dTry makes a complete rebalance of the stamina mechanics, and also adds perfect blocks (at the last moment before impact) and the ability to reflect arrows with weapons. Now you need to wisely combine fast and powerful strikes with each other and competently defend yourself, which will allow you to unbalance the enemy and inflict critical damage. In general, the updated "combat" resembles something between the latest Assassin's Creed and God of War in 2018.

Also worthy of mention:

  • Modern Combat AI. Makes enemies more aggressive and willing to take advantage of equipment or numbers. Compatible with Valhalla Combat. Author: aljoxo.
  • projectile sense. Briefly slows down time when arrows or spells are fired at the player, but costs some mana. Authors: Penta, limbed, and cat.
  • precision. The physical collision of the blade with the bodies of enemies or another blade. Allows you to feel better weapons. Author: Ersh.
  • Taunt Your Enemies. Allows you to taunt enemies, provoking them to attack. This increases damage by 25% but leaves the player exposed for a few seconds. Author: JaySerpa.
  • Shadow of Skyrim. Adds a semblance of the Nemesis system from Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. After a defeat in battle, you wake up in a random place and get the task to take revenge on the enemy who defeated you. And the enemy at the same time earns better equipment and a nickname ("Shield Breaker", etc.). Author: Syclonix.
  • Maximum Destruction n. Enhances combat magic. Now enemies will convulse with electricity, break into small pieces from ice and burn to ashes, turning into ashes. Author: D-won.



The most comprehensive work to improve the stealth in the game is Book of Shadows from the moderator under the nickname Willowy. She adds animated masks to the lower half of the face for the player and their companions to help them remain unrecognized, and the guards get the ability to blow a horn to call for reinforcements. In addition, by sneaking up from behind, you can silently knock out the guard or just steal the horn, which will attract less attention. The mod also adds smoke bombs that you can use if you are still discovered.

Also worthy of mention:

  • Dynamic Weather and Time Based Detection. Reduces the chance of detecting a player in the dark (in vanilla, lighting does not solve anything). Author: Monitor144hz.
  • Magic Sneak Attacks. Allows you to use spells in stealth mode without the need to be detected. Author: powerofthree.
  • Must Be My Imagination. Enemies no longer stop looking for the player after half a minute if they are hit by an arrow. Author: whatever.
  • Take a peek. It gives you the opportunity to look through the keyhole and find out what is behind the door, without the need to expose yourself to possible danger. Author: JaySerpa.

Weapons and armor

Weapons and armor

Lore Friendly Guns of Skyrim might seem like a controversial mod as it adds guns to the medieval setting of Skyrim. However, the author under the nickname ENR not only made the firearm very beautiful and consistent with the visual style but also came up with a whole backstory for its appearance in the game world. According to her, guns were invented as a response to the increasing threat from the mages of the Aldmeri Dominion.

Also worthy of mention:

  • Lunar Guard Armor. Armor in the spirit of the game Godfall in the form of armor with animal features. Author: Deydranos.
  • Armors of the Velothi. New Dunmer armor, reminiscent of its counterpart from TES 3: Morrowind. Authors: Pulcharmsolis and VishVadeva50.
  • Three-eyed Swallow Armor. Melina's armor from Elden Ring. Only suitable for female characters. Author: The Court Blacksmith.
  • BHUNP EGIL Battle Queen. Beautiful armor for female characters, leaving them half-naked. Version for UNP-tel. Author: Egilvar.
  • 3BA EGIL Battle Queen. An analogue of the previous one for 3BA or 3BBB format bodies. Author: Egilvar.



Finally, we will analyze the most interesting modifications about satellites. A lot of works are regularly published in this category, in which the authors often try not only to make a character with a pleasant appearance but also with an interesting past, as well as with unique opportunities for interacting with him. The most consistent with this is a new mod called Mistborn by megaman2k. It includes six very different characters that can be trained and taught magic. For example, the girl Esme can heal the player's wounds, and the other five can use the magic of different schools.

Also worthy of mention:

  • The Hidden Blades. Adds nine companions, originally from Akavira (local Japan), with the appropriate equipment. Each has a unique appearance and a personal quest. Authors: ENR and PoeticAnt44.
  • Light and Shade. Blind Imperial with her own secret mission. Will not reread the player, but sometimes asks strange questions. Author: Craftian.
  • Nessa. A thief and kleptomaniac who comments on incidents during the player's adventure. Author: Craftian.
  • Lydia Redefined. A remake of Lydia, the first companion given to the player in the story. The creator of the mod tried to transfer the best practices of the system of interaction with companions from Fallout 4 to Skyrim. Author: FlashyJoer.

That's all. If you think that we have undeservedly missed some important modifications that have been released over the past year, then write about it in the comments.
