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How to farm wood and stone in Valheim - automatic resource mining guide


How to farm wood and stone in Valheim - automatic resource mining guide

Mining resources in Valheim is a rather long and tedious process, but there are several effective ways to help make it easier. In this guide, we will tell you how to farm wood, stone, resin, dandelions, and some other resources in automatic mode.

How to farm wood and stone in automatic mode

In previous Valheim guides, we talked about how to get wood and stone. But did you know that these and some other resources can be farmed automatically?

First, it is worth noting that you will have to spend several in-game days to build a special structure. It is with his help that you will have to extract the most important resources for survival.

How to farm wood and stone in automatic mode

The main object will be a gradeworf nest. From time to time, it creates several types of hostile monsters. Some of them are especially dangerous for beginners. But something else is important - after defeating them, you can pick up wood and stone, as well as other resources: resin, dandelions, trophies, ancient seeds, gradedvorf eyes, and vomit.

The nest can only be found in the Black Forest. If you've been playing Valheim for a long time, then you know that trolls, secrets, and other enemies live here.

First, you have to temporarily stop the appearance of monsters. Since the nest is constantly throwing new enemies into your world, we recommend acting together with a friend. One player must exterminate the enemies in a timely manner, and the second must build a shelter. Yes, you didn't think so. In order for the nest to stop creating new gradeworphs, you need to build around it, albeit not a full-fledged, but still a house.

How to farm wood and stone in automatic mode

The fact is that a gradeworf nest can programmatically create creatures only in open space in a small radius from the spawn point. He is forbidden to create monsters in the building - we will use this trick. You should have the same result as in the screenshot above. For this we used:

  • Wooden beams (supports);
  • thatched roof;
  • Wooden floor (required!).

If you did everything right, but the monsters still keep spawning, try extending the roof and floor a few spaces around the nest. Before that, do not forget to clear the area around the spawn from branches, and also level the ground with a hoe.

How to farm wood and stone in automatic mode

Now you need to clear the area from trees and large stones. It would be better if the nest was on a hill. Having done this, with the help of a pickaxe we create a large trench in the ground along the perimeter of the "house". The depth should be maximum - dig down until the ground stops disappearing. At the same time, try not to destroy the newly built building.

How to farm wood and stone in automatic mode

How to farm wood and stone in automatic mode

Note: in order not to constantly return to your camp, you can also put a fire and a bed here to rest.

How to farm wood and stone in automatic mode

When the moat around the gradeworf nest is ready, you can proceed directly to the construction of an automatic resource harvester.

How to build an automatic wood and stone miner in Valheim

First of all, we lay wooden beams from several sides so that they connect the ground and our impromptu building. If it collapses, you will have to rebuild the house, simultaneously fighting off the crowds of emerging gradeworphs. It should look like the screenshot below.

How to build an automatic wood and stone miner in Valheim

Now we go down and get rid of the remaining land. The building should not collapse, and the gradeworf nest will be inactive.

How to build an automatic wood and stone miner in Valheim

We level the ground in the ravine. We lay out the walls and floor from stone. We leave untouched only that part of the earth above which the nest is located. We advise you to start building the stone floor from the highest point.

How to build an automatic wood and stone miner in Valheim

How to build an automatic wood and stone miner in Valheim

The next step is to install the fire source. The easiest way is to place several hearths directly under the nest. You can also leave some space for the ground where the monsters will spawn. You can raise the earth with a hoe, and then level it to the level of the hearths.

How to build an automatic wood and stone miner in Valheim

Try to raise the earth so that it does not cover the hearth itself. If the inside of the hearth is filled with earth, it will simply stop burning. In this case, you will have to disassemble the building and start all over again. We also recommend placing regular fires around the edges of the trap. This will allow you to quickly burn enemies when they stand in one place.

How to build an automatic wood and stone miner in Valheim

How to build an automatic wood and stone miner in Valheim

It is worth noting that this method is not ideal - savage gradeworphs after the appearance will try to destroy hearths and bonfires. Therefore, from time to time you will have to go back and repair them.

A more advanced way is to use braziers as a source of the fire. It is not suitable for beginners, since to build them you need to explore ice caves, fight cultists and get the claws of Fenris. It is worth noting that the braziers are less sensitive to the ground - you can completely fill them up so that the monsters appear right above the source of the fire. It looks about the same as in the screenshots below.

How to build an automatic wood and stone miner in Valheim

How to build an automatic wood and stone miner in Valheim

How to build an automatic wood and stone miner in Valheim

Note: we didn't even cover the braziers with earth. Monsters appear next to them and immediately burn up in an enclosed space.

Greydvorf are quite agile creatures, so be sure to put a stone fence around the trap.

How to build an automatic wood and stone miner in Valheim

Now you can destroy the wooden building and finish building the stone walls. It should turn out to be such a beautiful sarcophagus. The main thing is to close not only the pit but also the nest of the gradewolfs. This is necessary so that a random troll does not come across a building and destroy it. In addition, any of your camps can be attacked by monsters in a random event.

How to build an automatic wood and stone miner in Valheim

How to build an automatic wood and stone miner in Valheim

How to build an automatic wood and stone miner in Valheim

But what about the rain? During the construction of the building, we encountered this problem. Braziers or hearths must be protected from fire, otherwise, they will definitely go out during a rainstorm, which will allow monsters to destroy them. At the same time, you cannot install a roof over the nest - this will stop the appearance of monsters. To do this, we put a couple of stone arches right above the nest.

How to build an automatic wood and stone miner in Valheim

How to get inside? Very simple. Place one portal on the outside of the trap and another on the inside.

How to build an automatic wood and stone miner in Valheim

Here you can also place chests for loot and a portal to your lair. We also recommend putting a bed and decor items to increase the comfort rate. If you are using braziers, you will need to set up a separate fire.

How to build an automatic wood and stone miner in Valheim

Come back here from time to time and pick up the resources that will be waiting for you in a trap. In addition, firewood must be thrown into the hearths, and coals into the braziers. A full "refueling" is usually enough for several in-game days.

How to build an automatic wood and stone miner in Valheim

The beauty of this method is that all resources dropped from monsters can be teleported. Finally, one more note: the larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bclean earth under the nest, the more often gradeworls will appear.
