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Where to find all necklaces in Forspoken

 What necklaces are for, how to find all the necklaces, their properties, abilities, improvements

Instead of the standard set of weapons and armor, Forspoken offers to improve the characteristics of the main character Frey with the help of two pieces of equipment - cloaks, and necklaces. In this guide, we will talk about necklaces, which are no less useful than cloaks, since with their help you can acquire very useful abilities. What's more, you can upgrade necklaces to unlock new skills. With the help of a certain skill (look at the sources), you can even improve the necklace, not 3, but 4 times.

In total, 15 different necklaces can be obtained in the game, scattered throughout Atia. Most of them will be unlocked after clearing landmarks (like ruins or forbidden labyrinths), and some will be rewards for completing side missions. You can even create one necklace yourself!

Where to find all necklaces in Forspoken

Below you can find information on what each necklace is called, what abilities it gives, whether it can be upgraded through the crafting menu to get a new ability, and so on. And yes, we will tell you where to find this or that necklace. In most cases, you need to visit one or another attraction and complete the task.


  • Description: A necklace once worn by the Tanta Sayla. Symbolizes hope for the future. Enhances Sayla's red magic.
  • How to get: Preinost, Middle Preinist, Vivus. You need to kill all the enemies to open the chest with the item.


  • Description: A necklace once worn by the Tanta Sayla. The name means "legacy of the warrior maiden". Enhances Sayla's red magic.
  • How to get: Preinost, Citadel, Pagus Ruins. You need to kill the soldiers with shields and the Traitor Knight in order to open the chest.


  • Description: A necklace once worn by tanta Prav. The name means "lion". Learn blue magic Rights.
  • How to get: Avoalet, Waterland, Stake Lake.

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  • How to get: Avoaleth, Spring Fields, Colleen.


  • Description: A necklace designed by the genius tanta Olas herself. Enhances Olas' green magic.
  • How to get: Visoria, Windy Hills, Ruins of Ostur

Tesouro de Atia

  • Description: A necklace once worn by Tanta Olas. The name means "treasure of Atia". Enhances Olas' green magic.
  • How to get: Visoria, Academy Hills, Frugel. You need to kill all the enemies.


  • How to get: Zipal, Blessed Meadows, Tang. You need to kill all the enemies.

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  • Description: An unusual necklace once worn by Tanta Cinta. The name means "shout". Enhances Frey's purple magic.
  • How to get: Tzipal, Sacred Mountains, House of Prayer.

Home Sweet Hell

  • Description: You are interested in the curiosity shop in the Inner Visoria region. It will be possible to buy Sewing Kit from the seller for coins (64 coins). With it, you can create another necklace.
  • How to get it: Craft it after getting a sewing kit from a curious merchant in Visoria.


  • How to get: Cipal, Deadlands, Forbidden Labyrinth: East.


  • Description: An ancient decoration found in the very depths of the dungeon. Increases damage when breakthrough magic is not fully charged.
  • How to get: Praenost, Pioneer's Plain, Forbidden Labyrinth: Mountain.


  • Description: An ancient decoration found in the very depths of the dungeon. With it, finishing moves charge up breakthrough magic, and when it is fully charged, enemies become easier to knock down.
  • How to get: Avoalet, Wild Forest, Forbidden Labyrinth: Thicket.


  • Description: An ancient decoration found in the very depths of the dungeon. Increases the damage of offensive spells and inflicts other beneficial effects while at full stamina.
  • How to get: Visoria, Yard Hills, Forbidden Labyrinth: South. Pass this dungeon.


  • How to get it: Complete the "Syla's Oath" side mission in Chapter 7. The side quest starts by talking to Joedy in Cipal's archive.


  • How to get it: In Chapter 10, talk to Joedy after the story cutscene in the archives. That is, you need to return to complete the event.


  • How to get: This is a unique necklace that will be given to the owners of the Deluxe edition of the game.
