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Destiny 2 The Eclipse: How to Unlock Darkweave Shards & Best Builds


Destiny 2 The Eclipse: How to Unlock Darkweave Shards & Best Builds

The Destiny 2 Eclipse campaign introduced Darkweave, the latest Darkweave subclass and the first subclass of any type to be added to the game since Beyond Light in 2020. Players will get to grips with Darkweave's abilities in several missions, while Osiris tries his best to explain where it comes from (TL;DR: you will pull the strings of different sizes to make it work).

However, it is only after finishing the story that it will be possible to unlock all the subclasses and have the option to start grinding for Natures and Fragments. Having reached this point, you may be wondering: how do we unlock the full potential of Darkweave, and which builds are the best?


The super short version of the answer to this question is:

  1. Finish the campaign to unlock the Darkweave subclass
  2. Collect "Darkweave Meditations" by doing activities in the Vex Raid Zone
  3. use Darkweave Meditations to buy Grenades, Natures, and Shards at Pouka's Pond in the Hall of Heroes

To unlock the Darkweave subclass permanently in Destiny 2, you will need to finish the Eclipse campaign. Once unlocked and equipped, you will have access to all the basics, such as the grappling hook, which replaces the function of the grenade, and the Super and class skills of your new subclass. But, as always, this is just the beginning.


What can be done with Telascura? The various campaign missions will show you everything, but it can be a bit tricky following the tutorials during a boss fight. Let us summarize the most essential information for you below.


For the Hunter, the new subclass is called Valicator and the key features are:

  • Melee Attack – Twisted Spike
  • Super – Silk Assault
  • Nature – Ensnaring Smash
  • Nature – Widow silk
For the Titan, the new subclass is called Berserkeer and its main features are:

  • Melee Attack – Slicing Fury
  • Super–Furious Blade
  • Nature – Into the Fray
  • Nature – Drengr's Whip

For the Warlock, the new subclass is Hatching Weavers and these are its key characteristics:

  • Melee Attack – Arcane Needle
  • Super–Needle Storm
  • Nature - Weaver's Call
  • Nature – Mindwoven Invocation

Darkweave build for Hunter

Our top pick for a nice Hunter build revolves around the Assassin's Headgear, as explained in MrRonit 's video : 

  • Assassin's Headdress – Exotic helmet
  • Widow's Silk – Darkcloth Nature

Darkweave build for Titan

Moving on to the Titan, Plunderthabooty 's Suspend and Sever Crowd Control build proved to be so powerful that he was able to outrun Legendary Nightfalls despite being 40 levels short of the requirements. 

  • Plunge Leap – Exotic Boots
  • Drengr's Whip – Darkweave Nature
  • Thread of Mind – Fragment
  • Edge of Fury – Fragment

Warlock Darkweave build

Finally, the Sorcerer: the first builds bet everything on tissueoids, which the space wizard is able to make come out of the ground like a necromancer. Here is Divide's Warlock Threadling build : 

  • Swarmers – Exotic Boots
  • Tissueoid Grenade – Grenade
  • Mindwoven Invocation – Darkweave Nature
  • Weaver's Call – Darkweave Fragment
