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Sons of the Forest armor guide - where to find and how to get bones, hide, circuit boards and technocloth


Sons of the Forest armor guide - where to find and how to get bones, hide, circuit boards and technocloth

In Sons of the Forest, you will encounter a large number of hostile natives and various monsters that can cause serious damage to your hero. To avoid death, you can use armor. In this guide, we will describe all the available types of armor, as well as tell you which one is best to craft at first.

How armor works in Sons of the Forest

We already talked about armor in one of the guides. Unlike other games, armor in Sons of the Forest will not completely avoid damage, and after a few hits, it will completely collapse. But at the same time, its presence will help save the life of your character more than once.

The armor indicator is located next to the hero's vitality indicator. Each created element will add one strip. In total, you have the right to equip ten elements of different armor. The stronger the armor, the fewer stripes will disappear during enemy attacks.

How armor works in Sons of the Forest

But which armor is the best? There is an unequivocal answer to this question - this is "Technoarmor". You can create it on a 3D printer using a special resin. You will often encounter such a resource when exploring story bunkers, as well as in makeshift camps and caches. We talked about it in more detail below.

Leaf Armor

Leaf armor is the most primitive defense in the game. It is not profitable to make such armor for several reasons. Firstly, it weakly protects against any attacks, and secondly, it requires cloth to create, which is not easy to find, and it is also useful for crafting more useful items.


  • Leaflet (10);
  • Fabric (1).
A normal cannibal attack will destroy three cells of leaf armor, and a strong attack will destroy five to six cells.

Where to find a lot of fabric

Rags, although they are a valuable resource, are scattered almost everywhere. You can find them:

  • In the camps of the natives;
  • in caches;
  • in caves;
  • in bunkers.

Hide Armor

The next most durable armor that can also be crafted with cloth. First, you have to find two large animals - deer or elk, and kill and butcher their carcasses. For each animal, you will receive one unit of the skin.


  • Hide (2);
  • Fabric (1).
One normal blow from a native takes away two cells of armor, and a strong one - three.

How to get a lot of skins

At first, we recommend crafting a homemade bow and two spears. Hunting deer with a bow will be quite unusual, since the game does not have a scope, and the arrow itself flies not far - you will often miss.

Running after a deer is also a bad idea. Instead, track down the animal and throw a spear at it. If you hit, the beast will start to run away, but will soon die from blood loss. You just have to escort the deer to the place of his death, then skin the carcass.

How to get a lot of skins

A little later, you will find a target with which you can hone your archery skills.

bone armor

Bone armor is another good option to protect yourself from natives and monsters. In addition to being strong enough, it is very easy to create. To do this, you will need bones, rope, and electrical tape.


  • Bone (4);
  • Rope (1);
  • Scotch tape (1).

Unlike the sets described above, the bone protection can withstand several normal hits from enemies without breaking, after which one cell is destroyed for each hit.

How to get a lot of bones

At first, it may seem that getting bones is difficult. They will come across in some cannibal camps, as well as when examining graves and wooden coffins. But you have the right to create the bones yourself.

To do this, kill and dismember several natives. Make a fire and throw limbs into it. Wait until they are completely burned out, after which you can pick up the bones. It is worth noting that in the inventory you can store two human arms and legs.

How to get a lot of bones

How to get a lot of bones

Thus, for each killed native, you will receive four bones, which are enough to create one cell of armor.

Note: You can only collect limbs from ordinary natives. You can butcher large cannibals in golden masks, as well as large red enemies, but you won’t be able to collect limbs from them.

Spooky Armor

The only armor in Sons of the Forest that can't be crafted from crafts. You have the right to get it only from killed monsters, which at first will live in caves, and closer to the middle of the passage of the story they will begin to get to the surface.

Sometimes you can see cannibals equipped with similar armor. If you are using a firearm, bow, or crossbow, we advise you to avoid shooting at protected areas. So you just spend a bolt or cartridge, while simply destroying the armor.

tech armor

The last type of armor in the game. The first mention of her can be found in a bunker with a 3D printer and a locked door, which requires an orange key card. A poster depicting this armor will hang on the wall next to the printer.

tech armor

To create protection, you will need a lot of resources, as well as a special techno fabric. The latter can be made on the aforementioned 3D printer. Crafting each resource will require 250 ml of resin.


  • Technocloth (1);
  • Wire (1);
  • Scotch (1);
  • PCB (1);
  • Batteries (1).

Where to find printed circuit boards

If you do not like to experiment and destroy everything around, then most likely you will encounter a shortage of printed circuit boards. But it's actually pretty easy to find them. To do this, smash laptops scattered across bunkers and caves, as well as music players. At least one printed circuit board will fall out of each such device.

How to find a lot of resin for a 3D printer

Resin for a 3D printer can be found in bunkers, in cannibal camps, in various caches, and plastic boxes scattered around the island. But at the moment, the game allows you to resume loot after the next load of the last save. If you find a resin spawn, simply collect the item, save nearby, and reload. The resin will reappear in the same place. It should be understood that the game is under development, so in the future, this mechanic can be changed.

How to find a lot of resin for a 3D printer

Can the armor be removed?

If you put on several pieces of armor, you won't be able to take them off. At least until you advance enough in the story and find the special "Golden Armor".

This equipment will not protect you from enemy attacks - it has a slightly different purpose in the game.

If you already have this equipment, just use it so that all equipped protection elements are automatically added to your inventory.
