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Sons of the Forest: How to revive Kelvin and Virginia? (Trick)

 We share a Sons of the Forest trick with which you can bring both Kelvin and Virginia back to life if they have died in your game. You just have to follow these steps!

The companions of Sons of the Forest, Kelvin, and Virginia, can be of enormous help in our adventure, for that reason one of the worst things that can happen to you while playing is that either of them dies. Whether it's the enemies ending up killing them or you killing them by mistake yourself, we're pretty sure you don't want this to happen (in fact, you need both of them alive to see the secret ending of the game).

In this entry of our guide, we want to share with you a valuable trick that will help you bring both Kelvin and Virginia back to life. If you follow the steps that we describe in this article you can revive the two companions very easily, and also in a guaranteed way. Pay attention!

How to revive Kelvin?

If Kelvin dies in your Sons of the Forest game, you can still revive him by putting into practice the trick that we are going to show you below. First of all, keep in mind that this cheat works whether you play in single-player or multiplayer mode. All you need is to have a save game where Kelvin died.

If this is your case, then proceed as follows:

  • First of all: make sure to close the game completely.
  • On the desktop of your PC: press the "Windows + R" keys to open the command console of the operating system.
  • In the console: Type the command "%appdata%" (without the quotes).
  • Once in the folder directory: you have to follow the following folder path...
    • "AppData --> LocalLow --> Endnight --> SonsOfTheForest --> Saves --> [SteamID] --> [SinglePlayer or Multiplayer]"
  • Enter one folder or another: depending on whether your game is single-player or multiplayer.

When you have followed these paths, you will be in a directory that may contain quite a few folders with many numbers. These are the folders that have been generated with your Sons of the Forest save games. If you have saved many times in separate slots, you will have more folders.

What you need to do here is locate the save folder where Kelvin died. If, for example, it is your last saved game, then it will be the most recent folder (you can sort the folders by modification date so you will know better which one you are looking for). When you find it, go to this folder.

  • Important Tip: Before proceeding, we recommend that you copy the folder of your saved game and paste it somewhere on your computer where you can keep it "safe", in case something goes wrong you have a backup copy to restore it as it was. was.

Well, already inside the aforementioned folder, now what you have to do first is look for the file titled "GameStateSaveData.json". Right-click on this file and select open with notepad. A file like this will open:

How to revive Kelvin?

  • In this file, you should look for the phrase that says "IsRobbyDead" (without the quotes).
  • To make it easier for you to find the phrase you can search for it by pressing Ctrl + B and typing it in the text box.
  • In this sentence or command you will see that the current state that appears next to it says ":true," (this tells you that Kelvin is indeed dead in your game).
  • What you have to do is change ":true," and write ":false," (so the game will interpret that Kelvin is alive).
  • Before closing the file, remember to save it for the changes to take effect.
We're not done yet, it's almost there. We have one last step left. In the same folder where the previous file is now you have to open the file named as "SaveData.json". You will have to open it in a notepad as well, you will see a file similar to this:

How to revive Kelvin?

  • In this file you should look for the phrase that says "Typeid":9 .
  • Remember, to find the phrase press Ctrl + B and type it in the text box.
  • In this sentence or command you should look for the line of text that says "State":6 .
  • When you find it, you should change it to "State":2.
  • After that you also have to look for the line of text that says "Health":0.0 (or a number very close to zero).
  • This phrase should be changed to "Health":100.0 .
  • Finally make sure to save the changes made to the file before closing it.

Perfect, we're done. After you have made all these changes Kelvin will already have revived in your game of Sons of the Forest. All you have left to do is reload your game where he was dead to check. If for whatever reason something has gone wrong, be sure to repeat the steps as we have shown you, exactly the same.

How to revive Virginia?

In order to revive Virginia in case the half-mutant died in your game (whether it's your partner or not yet), you can follow the same steps that we explained in the case of Kelvin above (the procedure changes only very slightly). Again, this cheat is valid whether you play single-player or multiplayer.

To proceed with this trick you have to have a save game in which Virginia died. That being said, make sure you have the game fully closed and go to the Windows "%appdata%" folder directory to enter the folder generated by your game save (we've already explained how to do this above).

Once inside the folder, you will have to follow all these steps:

  • Find the file named as "GameStateSaveData.json" and open it with notepad.
  • In this file, you should look for the phrase that says "IsVirginiaDead" (without the quotes).
  • In this sentence or command you will see that the current state that appears next to it says ":true," (this tells you that Virginia is indeed dead in your game).
  • What you have to do is change ":true," and write ":false," (so the game will interpret that Virginia is alive).
How to revive Virginia?

  • Before closing the file, remember to save it for the changes to take effect.
  • Now in the same folder where the previous file is, open with notepad the file named as "SaveData.json"
  • In this file, you should look for the phrase that says "Typeid":10.
  • In this sentence or command, you should look for the line of text that says "State":6.
  • When you find it, you should change it to "State":2.
  • After that, you also have to look for the line of text that says "Health":0.0 (or a number very close to zero).
  • This phrase should be changed to "Health":100.0.
  • Finally, make sure to save the changes made to the file before closing it.
After performing all these steps you can now reload your game of Sons of the Forest in which Virginia was dead. Now it shouldn't be anymore. As you can see, it is very simple and can save you from a good scare.
