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Walkthrough Bleak Faith: Forsaken - game guide

 A detailed walkthrough of all the story bosses and levels of Bleak Faith: Forsaken

Bleak Faith: Forsaken is a hardcore soulslick in an open world where it's easy to get lost. In our guide, we will consider the minimum set of actions required to complete the game. However, there are several optional bosses. The point of the passage is to activate two modules (underwater and on the tower of Ouranoupolis), and then enter the anomaly and defeat the final bosses.

Walkthrough Bleak Faith: Forsaken - game guide

Monastery, lowland

Move forward by learning the controls. On the left side behind the tower, you can find the first loot. To pick it up, press the F key. A little further on, you will see a glowing statue - it's something like bonfires from Dark Souls. With the help of this statue, you can move between locations. Don't worry about your character being overly mobile on rooftops. This will stop as soon as you meet your first enemy. From the roof, you can get out in two ways, although there are more forks. You can go ahead, and climb the high stairs, but in this case, you will run into a locked grate. Also at the end of the roof, there are two stairs on the right and left sides. The ladder on the right side will allow you to get around that very grate. After going down it, go through the corridor with enemies. When you get out, if you turn left, you will come to the same place where you can get on the stairs, leaving to the left side after the roof. Therefore, go out into the desert, defeat a powerful enemy, and find an uphill climb behind the buildings on the left. Run across it and soon you will reach the bridge from the landscape covered with greenery. This is the first way.

At the end of the roof, there is a ladder on the left hand. You can go down it, go through the corridors, and kill the enemies. Turn left into the passage, guarded by a powerful warrior. Once on the bridge, jump to the other side by pressing the ALT key. Be careful as there is a kamikaze drone here. Collect the loot and at the very end find the stairs going down. It will lead you to the top of a long staircase located opposite the roof and leading to a dead end.

Advice. At any time, you can press the K key to open the inventory menu and customize your equipment. Be sure to do this throughout the game to use the best gear. During combat, the TAB key allows you to capture targets.

And here is the second way, which allows you to bypass the bars. While on the rooftops at the beginning of the game, go forward and find a tall fire escape on your right hand. Interact with her by pressing the F key and go down. A little further, the first enemy will appear. Destroy it using LMB for light attacks, CTRL+LMB for heavy attacks, and RMB for block or parry if you manage to parry the blow in time. By holding down the Q or E key, you can open the weapon wheel to apply potions.

Go deep into the location and stand on the lift. Keep going forward, killing the enemies. By the way, one of the most effective tactics: run away from the enemy, wait for him to approach, hold down CTRL, and carry out a heavy attack on the LMB. So you will inflict significant damage on the enemy. Immediately after that, run away or rollback. Repeat until victory.

Cross a couple of bridges, kill the knights, and go up the long stairs. Get inside the building and kill the enemies. You can go down the stairs on the right to pull the lever and create a shortcut back to that long staircase opposite the roof. To progress, climb up several ladders until you find yourself in an open semi-circular area. Defeat all the enemies and go up the steps at the opposite end. Around the corner on the left will be the second statue "Monastery - Top".

Monastery, peak

When you get to this save point, there are a few steps left to take to fight the first boss, Konrad the Betrayer. There is a fire escape nearby, but you should not go down it: firstly, it is broken, and secondly, it leads back to where you came from. Opposite the statue there are steps. Climb up them and go to the arena, where you have to fight against Konrad.

Monastery, peak

How to defeat Konrad the Betrayer

Before entering the arena with the boss, activate the homunculus so that if you die, you will be nearby. At the beginning of the fight, Konrad will slowly approach you after saying a couple of phrases. Get closer to provoke Conrad's aggression. Usually, his first attack is an uppercut. The blow is easily telegraphed thanks to the blade illuminated in yellow. move to the left to easily avoid damage. Instead of an uppercut, the boss can start with a double attack. As in the case of the uppercut, it is best to move to the left to eliminate damage.

Conrad has quite a few different attacks that he can use throughout this fight. Despite the fact that the boss's health bar is divided into three parts, with its reduction nothing new appears in the arsenal. Konrad literally from the very beginning to the end of the battle can use the following attacks:

  • The uppercut is a telegraphed strike, easily recognizable by the yellow glow of Conrad's blade. Run away or roll to the left.
  • Double Strike - Conrad will strike once with his weapon, then perform a somersault and strike again. Roll over to the left side.
  • Double Rotation - Konrad rotates twice around his axis, extending his blade to the side. This attack has a decent hitting range. Dodge backwards to avoid getting hit, or block.
  • Multi-Spin - Konrad spins up to eight times with his weapon extended to the side. This attack can quickly break your defense. It is best to dodge backwards and retreat to avoid any damage.
  • Throw Blue Orb - The boss throws a blue orb that falls to the ground and creates a whirlwind. Don't step into it or you'll get a negative status that deals damage over time.
  • Pulsation - This movement is easily telegraphed as Conrad kneels. When this happens, move as far away as possible. Konrad will release a pulse that travels almost the entire arena, dealing damage and knocking you back. But provided that you are too close.
  • Stomp - Before performing this attack, Konrad usually jumps back. After that, the boss soars into the air and hits the ground. This attack cannot be dodged, but the closer you get to Konrad, the more damage you will receive. Therefore, it is best to be as far away from the boss as possible.
  • Single Strike - Similar to Double Strike, except Konrad only slashes the blade once. This movement is easily avoided by moving to the left side of Conrad.

Stay close to the boss for most of the fight and move to the left most of the time. this way you will avoid most of the damage and be able to counterattack from time to time. Don't be greedy, hit the enemy no more than twice (depending on the weapon used), and then get ready to dodge. Move away from him only in those cases when the enemy uses stomp, spins, and impulse attack. All are devastating up close. By the way, for winning a battle, you will also receive a boss weapon.

Central hub (Block 6174)

After the victory, go to the far opening and move the only route. When you find yourself in a place with living people, go up and activate the homunculus "Block 6174". Talk to the woman standing next to you. She can upgrade her equipment. To begin with, go along the high road behind this woman. Turn left, and at the very end go right, into the tunnels with large bugs. After destroying them, move up the stairs and find a high metal staircase on the left, along which you can go down. In fact, this path leads to a dead end. You can use it to destroy a dozen enemies and collect useful loot.

Sooner or later, you will have to go back and climb the numerous steps. Climb to the very top. You can go in two directions. You move to where the archer will shoot at you. Pass between houses, killing enemies, and pull the lever. Climb down the lift and open the grate that leads to the hub. Take the elevator back up, go right, and turn right again past the arena with motionless knights. On the side is Captain Julia, with whom you can talk. Go into the far passage behind the knights, call the elevator, and wait. Take the elevator down and activate the new homunculus.


Go deep into the location, destroy the enemy, and pull the lever to call the elevator. Go down and kill a couple more opponents. Move deep into the location the only way. Open the big gate and soon you will face a new boss.

How to defeat Aberrant Knight

The Aberrant Knight is one of the many giant enemies you'll encounter throughout the game, and it takes a bit of dexterity to defeat him. Fortunately, the battle arena is quite spacious. Before proceeding with the strategy of countering this boss, let's get acquainted with the set of his movements:

  • Foot Stomp - The knight will lift one foot and stomp on the ground. This attack will create a small shockwave that deals moderate damage if you get too close. Just dodge away from the raised leg.
  • Spear Rotation - The knight will crouch and begin to rotate, extending the spear to the side. This attack has a decent hitting range, so step back for a while, or dodge at the right moment when the spear blade is near you. The knight will make four or five revolutions.
  • Spear Swing - The boss swings his spear in a large arc in front of him. This attack is easily avoided by standing behind the knight.
  • Jump - the knight jumps up and strikes the ground with a spear. When you see the boss jump up, dodge just before the spear strikes.
  • Capture - the enemy will start using this attack only when you climb onto the back of the boss. Just timely get down from the back.

The key to defeating the Knight is to constantly spam attacks on his legs. Each leg has a separate “health bar”, so try to hit one specific one. When one of the leg health bars is completely empty, the boss will kneel. Approach him from behind and interact to jump on his back. Attack vulnerable spots on the opponent's back. Repeat the steps until the final victory.

What's next?

Go to another passage and follow down the stairs. There is only one path so far. When you get out into the forest, defeat the giant in the same way that you acted in the battle against Abberant. Move towards the fortress in the far left corner without going down the hill. Inside it will be praying for people. Along the way, you will find an elevator. It leads to a broken staircase, along which you can go down to the homunculus "Machinarium" (at the beginning of the location). Therefore, go past the elevator, chat with the archinquisitor, and run along the cliff to the left. The path to the left leads to an elevator. Go there and go upstairs. Don't forget that you need to use the ALT key to jump. So you can open the grate and create a short path to the beginning of the Machinarium location. Take the elevator back down, start going down the stairs, and kill the enemies. Eventually, you will be able to call the elevator. Pull the lever and wait. Be patient, the elevator will take a long time to rise. Then ride it down.

Walk forward. It will be great to spend Gomunkulus Mirage. Hold the F key to install the portable Homunculus. You will find a difficult segment, consisting of many jumps. I remind you that you need to press the ALT key to jump. Also, if the weapon is hidden, your character runs faster. I do not recommend using fast running in this way. Instead, attack with a weapon so that the character can get it. This will make it easier to control jumps, and if necessary, you can run up by holding the Shift key.

So, go down the stairs and jump over the cliff. Go down below and start jumping on the platforms. Take your time. If at the beginning you need a run, then it is enough to jump from a run, but without a sprint. At the very end, from the last or penultimate block, jump onto the slope on the right side. Don't worry, you won't slide down. Start running down the leaning tower and then jump over to the one on the left side. Continue running down the next tower, but in the other direction, turn left and, in the end, you will see a cut scene with a black skeleton on a horse. Head left along the mountain and use the elevator on the right to go up to where you came from and open the grate, creating a shortcut.


Go back down and move along the cliff to the left after exiting the elevator. Sooner or later, without jumping down, you will find a long wooden bridge that goes to the left. Use it and run to the very end. Climb the stairs and go to the booth in front (left, right) to go down into the desert. Activate the homunculus.

Walk forward. In front of the steps, behind the wall on the left side, there is an enemy and loot. Keep going up the stairs and kill the enemies. At the top, there will be a passage closed with a grate. You can climb higher, where the enemy with two sabers stands, but the path to the other side is impossible due to the destroyed bridge. Go down to the grate blocking the path, stand with your back to it, and go along the rock on the right side to find a metal staircase leading down.

Go down, go right, and cross the bridge. Defeat the enemies and start descending down the stone steps until you find yourself down in the desert. You can explore different buildings. In fact, getting inside them will not work, but there is loot near each structure. You need to go to the left side, where the giant stands and the largest building is located. Go around it on the right side and start moving deeper into the ledges and steps. At the very top, you will find a large black sphere, consisting of many plates. Get closer to her to move to another location.

Mirage in the desert

Here you have to fight the next boss, the Wormlord. I strongly recommend using the most pumped bow, arrows, and abilities related to this weapon in the battle against him. It is very difficult to defeat the boss with melee weapons. After the victory, you will receive another essence. Interact with the black sphere that appears to go back. Go left (you came from the other side), defeat the enemy, and run forward along the long bridge. Ride the elevator and use the lever to open the grate that previously blocked the path. So you can go back.

Mirage in the desert

Upper blocks

To get to this location, go behind the NPC again near the homunculus in the hub (block 6174). If you have already visited the Machinarium and opened a short path, turn right and into the nearest passage on the left to use the elevator and go upstairs. From here, turn into the blue corridor on the right. Behind the corridor, the path to the right led to the Machinarium, through the arena with the NPC (Captain Julia) and the motionless knights. You turn to the left side and start climbing the numerous stairs. In the end, you will take the elevator up and find yourself at the corresponding homunculus.

In case a shortcut was not created, go to the passage behind the NPC in block 6174, turn left, and use the nearest passage. When you find yourself on numerous stairs, climb to the very top, where there will be an archer. Defeat him and move this way until the same blue corridor appears on the left side. And then read the previous paragraph.

Upper blocks

Move the only way, killing enemies, until you get to the balcony overlooking the ruined city. Go left, along the wall down, kill the enemy, and go down the metal stairs. Go forward and climb the ledges to the ruined road. It is pointless to go to the right because the road simply breaks off there. Run to the left, killing enemies, and turn left at the end of the path. You will leave the road.

Go forward without turning anywhere. A little to the left and in front there will be a slope, on which you can climb. But you don't have to. Instead, go around the slope on the right hand and go left. Defeat a few enemies and look out for the big red lantern. Next to it, there is a niche with a ladder. Climb up it and take the elevator to be even higher in the upper city of Ouranoupolis.

Ouranoupoli, Tower Complex

After exploring the area, start descending and jump over to the stairs of the nearby tower. Climb the stairs to the very top. If you wish, you can be distracted and search the immediate surroundings. There will be a long bridge at the top. Run forward along it, go down, and follow the narrow bridge along the building. Jump from rubble to rubble, go a little further, and turn right. Defeat a couple of samurai and climb the many stairs. Kill enemies, including the flying skeleton. Keep walking through the huge ruins until you find an elevator that leads down. Ride it to get into the city in the pouring rain.

Flooded area, center

Go down the stairs behind the long corridor, kill the enemy, and find the elevator on the right hand. Ride it up, go down the corridor, and find yourself in a circular room. On the right, there is a passage with a lever. Call the lift and go down. Take the only route through the catacombs until you see a huge creature and a homunculus behind bars. Pull the lever on the right, go into the cage, and activate the homunculus.

Flooded area, center

Go to where you pulled the lever and go into the corridor. Jump into the water and destroy the huge spider. There will be stairs at the other end of the tunnel. Climb up it, use another one and soon you will find yourself in the city. Climb up the steps and go through the three grates that you can pick up. Activate the homunculus.


Turn left as another passage leads to a courtyard with a closed gate and one enemy. Take the elevator down, open the grate on the right, and move there, because the other path leads to a room with a hole in the floor, and if you fall through it, you will die. Turn left to see a tunnel lit with blue light. Follow through it, and where necessary, crouch while holding the C key. Kill the enemy and exit the circular corridor into the nearby sewer on the left.


Here you will find the same huge monster that the homunculus in the center of the Flooded area. Kill him and go between the pillars. Turn right and look for a passage in the wall. He is here alone. It is best not to search for a long time, just run around the perimeter along the walls, counterclockwise. Climb the stairs, run across the metal platforms, and climb the stairs above. When you enter the city, turn left. Turn left again on the steps leading to the "red" enemy. If you turn left onto the platform, it will return you to the room with the homunculus "Flooded area, center". By the way, go up the metal stairs in this place and pull the lever to create a shortcut to one of the places visited earlier. Go back, go up the stairs opposite the lift, which climbed from the homunculus. This path will lead you to the lift,



Fight the first enemies in diving suits, follow to the left side, and go inside the tower. Go down the stairs (there is an enemy at the top and nothing else), continuing to destroy targets, and get out to the water. Go right along the coast, turn left, and kill the opponents, moving along the columns. There are many enemies here, so take your time! Go across the bridge to the other side, on the right hand you can find a metal staircase that you can use to go down into the water. You can linger and search the rest of the location, but sooner or later you will have to dive into the water.


Dive underwater and look for red lanterns. Near the lanterns, you will replenish oxygen supplies. Swim from lantern to lantern keeping an eye on the oxygen and underwater monster. The path will be long, but when you get to the last lantern, a memory will start. Run forward along the path, up the stairs, and approach the module ahead. This will calibrate the first module.

Not necessary!

Go back to block 6174, walk along the wide path behind the girl, and use the elevator directly in front of you (if it was activated earlier). This elevator leads to an alley with a blue passage on the right, which in turn will lead you to Captain Julia and her guards. You do not need to go to the blue lane on the right, move forward from the elevator, or back to the numerous flights of stairs that you originally climbed here. If suddenly the elevator at the end of the path, behind the girl in block 6174 is not available, go along this path and turn left. You will understand when you are in the right place with many flights of stairs. At the very top, there will be only one path (although there are two ascents, one leads to a dead end), which will lead to the archer. After killing him, do not rush to go forward. At the top, look to the left and you will see that you can jump down from here, in the direction of the red light.

Not necessary!

The yellow arrow in the screenshot is pointing towards the elevator, allowing you to create a shortcut back to block 6174, and the red arrow is where you should go down. Follow below, go down the high fire escape, and see platforms swinging left and right at the end of the path. Stock up on patience! Eventually, you will reach a loot platform on the left side. After picking up the prey, turn around and move along the ledge along the building. Jump to the right where you will see a red light.

Ruined city

Go to the Machinarium, go past the place where they fought with Aberrant. When you are in the forest, turn right to find a gorge that will lead you to the ruined city. Once in the city, first, go to the right along the big road to find the battle arena against Silicon Visage. As a reward, you will receive upgrade materials and a new recipe.

Ruined city

flooded area

Through Ouranoupolis, return to the Flooded Region. You need to find a long staircase with steps in the city, leading to a residential area with blue lighting. Look at the screenshot below.

flooded area

Once in this array, start going down the stairs, as the way up is blocked by a grate. You will find a corridor lit in yellow. At the very bottom, turn right, kill the enemy, go left between the columns. There will be a metal staircase ahead, and a passage with yellow lighting on the right. Finish off the enemy and pull the lever.

Return to the place at the beginning of the city in the rain, where you met the first huge spider. There is an elevator here. If you went down on it before, you found a dead end at the bottom - locked bars. Now one of these bars is open (thanks to this lever)! This will create a shortcut.

flooded area


Go to the Shelter we wrote about earlier (Upper blocks - Ouranoupolis - Flooded area). Walk forward from the homunculus. Climb the stairs to the right and enter the wooden building. Kill the enemy and move up the stairs. Collect the loot, turn left, and go down the stairs to get into a corridor with a wooden floor and many doors that cannot be opened. Pull the lever to create a shortcut to the homunculus.

Go back and up the spiral staircase. Kill the red enemy in the corridor and go down the stairs at the far end. Clear the spacious corridor from enemies. Before climbing the stairs, head outside and find a lever to raise the grate and create another shortcut. Climb the stairs inside the building, kill everyone, and use the elevator to go even higher.

Continue up the winding stairs, clearing each floor. There will be two lifts at the top of the tower. One is located inside the tower, with a round wooden platform. Another will have to be called by pulling the lever at the doorway. First, use the elevator behind the doorway to get down and open the gate, creating a shortcut to the homunculus. Then go back and stand on the platform at the top of the tower. You will be taken to the Plagued Nemesis boss. Destroy the enemy to get a new recipe, his weapon, and other loot. Otherwise, there is nothing else to do here.

Ouranoupolis, The Lonely Tower, Boss

To get to the boss, return to Ouranoupolis, to the main marker. Go down the stairs a little lower and jump over to another tower. Climb to the very top, where the long bridge is located. You followed it to get to the huge elevator to the Flooded District. Stop on this bridge and wait. A long kite will fly under you. Jump on his back. The serpent will take you to a high tower, around which it will begin to wriggle (in about a minute). Drop down to the spiral outer staircase. Once the serpent has left, climb up this ladder and activate the Uranopolis homunculus, Lone Tower.

Ouranoupolis, The Lonely Tower, Boss

Walk forward across the bridge to start the fight against the Nurgei boss. Destroy this samurai to get his sword and other loot. After the victory, find a huge tower nearby with the same module as at the bottom of the reservoir. Go down the debris to this module and activate it in the next vision. Climb up to the module. Along the way, you will see another cut scene with a knight on a horse.

Ouranoupolis, The Lonely Tower, Boss

Ouranoupolis, The Lonely Tower, Boss

ghost town (optional)

In fact, to complete the game and move on to the final, you had to activate two modules - at the bottom of the reservoir of the Deluge location and on the Lonely Tower of Ouranoupolis, behind the Nurgei boss. Return to the Lonely Tower of Ouranoupolis homunculus and start down the spiral staircase. Having reached the bridge, go to the neighboring tower, kill the enemies, and go down even lower to another bridge. It leads to a tower with an enemy and a platform. After killing the enemy, stand on the platform to go down in the direction of Ghost Town.

ghost town (optional)

Go down the many flights of stairs to enter the city. Pull the lever and use the lift. Activate the homunculus, go through the streets, and go down to the subway. When you get to the train, pull the lever and go inside. The train will start moving. You can explore this location if you wish.



After activating the two modules, return to the homunculus in the desert and go down. Move forward and to the left until you find a huge fortress with a large and wide staircase. Climb the stairs and go inside to chat with Yaroslav. Then exit through another passage to see a cutscene. Enter the ruins ahead, and take the right passage through the long cavern until you are on the other side. Activate the homunculus, go through the fortress, and fight the Arch-Inquisitor. After the victory, approach the luminous huge sphere. Go through the big maze to the core and watch the cut scene. Pass through the changed location, the forks here will be at a minimum, but there are many enemies. At the very top, fight the final boss, Vermillion Mirage.
