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How neural networks will take over the world and whether it is necessary to worry about it

How neural networks will take over the world and whether it is necessary to worry about it

Neural networks ... a year ago, few people heard about them, and today Elon Musk (Elon Reeve Musk) personally speaks about the risks of the rapid development of this direction. Robots talk, draw pictures, program, and write diplomas. The list of features is expanding every day, and the restrictions are getting smaller. The idea that science fiction films gradually turn into prophecies is scary, so we decided to analyze the situation and dream up how neural networks will take over the world, how soon this will happen, and whether it is worth preparing for the apocalypse.

How it was

The modern world knows the two most popular scenarios for the uprising of machines - the Terminator series (The Terminator) and The Matrix (The Matrix). In fact, this topic is so often raised in science fiction that it would be enough for a whole top of works. But now we are interested in the process itself and its characteristic features.

How it was

We don't know much about the backstory of the conflict with the machines from the Matrix film series, but it is detailed in the comic strip Bits and Pieces of Information, as well as The Animatrix's novella The Second Renaissance. » (The Second Renaissance Part I, Part II).

The whole history of the world is largely based on the research of the Hungarian-American mathematician and physicist John von Neumann, one of the popularizers of the singularity theme. Later, the concept was expanded by the mathematician Stanisław Marcin Ulam and the American science fiction writer Vernon Vige. In the 1993 essay "The Coming Technological Singularity", the author noted that the term would mean the uncontrolled progress of technology at an unfathomable rate, which would begin with the invention of AI.

Vernon Widge - writer and one of the main ideologists of the term "technological singularity"
Vernon Widge - writer and one of the main ideologists of the term "technological singularity"

Robots have become indispensable helpers of people, doing almost all the dirty work. This naturally led to a sharp jump in living standards and the development of technology. The first flying cars, super-fast processors, and widespread computerization did their job and led the world's population to a new Renaissance.

In the world of The Matrix, there were also initially robots in the image and likeness of people.
In the world of The Matrix, there were also initially robots in the image and likeness of people.

As time went on, the AI ​​of robots evolved. People, on the other hand, are relaxed. They continued to consider their assistants to be disenfranchised slaves, which, of course, led to disastrous consequences. After one of the cleaning machines killed its owner for rude remarks, she was tried and recognized as a thing without any rights or personal opinion. The consequence was a large-scale protest of the entire mechanical population.

The trial of the robot
The trial of the robot

The machines left the people and founded their own city, which quickly crushed the entire economy of the planet. Despite many attempts to cooperate, humans were reluctant to admit that they had created a new sentient species. The result was war. The resources of people were quickly depleted, it was decided to deprive the machines of the energy of the sun, and therefore the whole sky was covered with nanobots. This, of course, slowed down the mechanisms but automatically became the end for people. AI quickly adapted and came up with the idea of ​​​​getting energy from the "homo sapiens" themselves.

Admittedly, Vernon Widge and the physicists may have been more right than they seem. The scenario of The Matrix is ​​frighteningly realistic, and we are seeing the first steps towards uncontrolled progress right now. However, before moving on to predictions, let's analyze the second product.

How neural networks will take over the world and whether it is necessary to worry about it

The Terminator is much less specific, as the story focuses on time travel rather than Skynet itself and its motives. However, it is known that initially simple AI, created for defense purposes, had only the rudiments of creative thinking. Through self-development, Skynet quickly grew into a complex organism and realized the threat posed by humanity.

The main reason for the conflict with people is not some kind of bloodthirstiness or thirst for power, but banal survival. Skynet is probably capable of experiencing emotions, but they did not go beyond the basic ones. Most of the decisions AI made on the basis of cold calculation, and this goes against the strong emotional component of people. Considering our relatives as bad allies, Skynet decided to do the only thing that seemed right to him - to destroy the threat.

When offended by ChatGPT
When offended by ChatGPT

Taking both scenarios as a basis, let's try to think over the most realistic plan for the development of our neural networks in the distant - and not so! - the future.
