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How to find all books in DREDGE

 Where to find all the books and what bonuses they give

If during the game you press the TAB key and go to the cabin, then on the right side of the screen you can see an empty field, signed as "Bookshelf". The books you find will fall here, most of which you will receive either by repeating communication with certain characters or by completing side quests. Some books can be completely missed if you do not complete the assignments of mysterious strangers in multi-colored canopies in a timely manner. So, below we have compiled a list of all 12 books that you can find in the game.

How to find all books in DREDGE

To get a bonus from any found book, open the inventory by pressing the TAB key and go to the cabin. There will be a bookshelf with a list of all available books. Books that you already have, but have not read them, and are not reading them, are highlighted in white. Books that you have started reading are highlighted in orange. The book is read-only when you are fishing or moving on the open sea. During sleep or normal port entry, communication with NPCs, the process does not progress. Finally, already-read books are highlighted in green. Only after reading them will you know what bonus this or that book gives. However, below we have indicated the ways to get books and the bonuses that they provide after reading.

Where to look for books:

  1. In Great Salt, continue to visit the Shipmaster, and on the 4-5th visit, the woman will hand you the book "Manual for Working with engines". Open inventory by pressing TAB and click on the book on the shelf in the cabin. Once reading progress reaches 100%, you will receive a reward: the engines increase the speed of movement by 5% above the specified value.
  2. In Big Salt, keep talking to the fishmongers. Note that the fishmonger and the pontoon peddler are not related, and different books can be obtained from each of these characters. At 4-5 communication, the fishmonger from Big Salt will give you the book "Rods, reels, tackle." Open inventory by pressing TAB and click on the book on the shelf in the cabin. Once reading progress reaches 100%, you will receive a reward: fishing rods pull fish 10% faster.
  3. At the beginning of the game, you must complete two additional tasks in order. One of them is issued by the Mayor of Big Salt, and it is called "Courier Service". Deliver the package to the Docker in Little Salt, located across from Big Salt Bay, and she will automatically reward you with the Gentle Fishing book. Open inventory by pressing TAB and click on the book on the shelf in the cabin. Once reading progress reaches 100%, you will receive a reward: with a 10% chance, does not reduce fish stocks when fishing with a fishing rod.
  4. Another book can be obtained as a result of repeated interaction (communication) with a merchant from Malaya Salt. This man is the only NPC who buys treasures and valuables. Continue to communicate with him and somewhere after 4-5 conversations he will reward you with the book "Peace of Mind". Open inventory by pressing TAB and click on the book on the shelf in the cabin. Once reading progress reaches 100%, you will receive a reward: increases panic resistance by 10%.
  5. Move to the Cape of Steel, located in Soli, and sail west. There will be several islands, and between them look for a boat. Talk to the owner of the boat, who has locked himself inside, and then deliver the package to Malaya Sol. It is not necessary to complete the task since you will receive the book at the beginning of the quest, from the owner of the boat. The title of the book is Overcoming Everything. Strength of the body and mind". Open inventory by pressing TAB and click on the book on the shelf in the cabin. Once reading progress reaches 100%, you will receive a reward: +15% to panic resistance.
  6. In Great Salt, you can take the side quest "Resting Place", which is issued by the Builder. It will be available after the story of the game you visit the Collector and get the dredge. Complete the task and deliver the Builder to Steel Cape. Come back here in a few days. The builder will erect the building. Talk to the woman to receive the Engineer's Handbook as a reward. Open inventory by pressing TAB and click on the book on the shelf in the cabin. Once reading progress reaches 100%, you will receive a reward: equipment that consumes durability loses it 10% slower.
  7. Continue talking to the Rover Trader on the pontoons near Storm Rocks, Star Bay, Shaggy Scythe, and Devil's Backbone. After several conversations, you will receive a book from the woman "The Art of Eloquence". Open inventory by pressing TAB and click on the book on the shelf in the cabin. Once reading progress reaches 100%, you will receive a reward: increase sales prices by 10% and decrease purchase prices by 10%.
  8. While traveling through Star Bay, you will have to complete tasks from the Old Fort Scientist. Sooner or later, deep equipment will be unlocked. When you neutralize the monster in the center of Star Bay, you will be able to capture a local relic and deliver it to the Collector. It seems that it is not necessary to complete the quest for the Scientist herself, but if you bring all the fish to her, you will receive the book "Background for the Future". Near the research base, look for an anglerfish, in a pit with a sea monster for two more creatures, and Needlemouth swims opposite the Old Fort wharf (and in some other places). Open inventory by pressing TAB and click on the book on the shelf in the cabin. Once reading progress reaches 100%, you will receive a reward: with a 15% chance, does not reduce fish stocks when fishing with a fishing rod.
  9. Complete "The Blue Shape" mission. This is an additional quest, which we talk about in a separate guide. Please note that after the start of the quests of this chain, if you delay with the order (catching and delivering fish), the figure will die. The task will end, but you will not receive a book as a reward. So, the Blue Figure will reward you with the book Bargaining. Benefit for profitable transactions". Open inventory by pressing TAB and click on the book on the shelf in the cabin. Once reading progress reaches 100%, you will receive a reward: increase sales prices by 5% and decrease purchase prices by 5%.
  10. Complete the "Golden Figure" mission. This is an additional quest, which we talk about in a separate guide. Please note that after the start of the quests of this chain, if you delay with the order (catching and delivering fish), the figure will die. The task will end, but you will not receive a book as a reward. So, the Golden Figure will reward you with the book Secrets of the Master Angler. Open inventory by pressing TAB and click on the book on the shelf in the cabin. Once reading progress reaches 100%, you will receive a reward: fishing rods pull fish 15% faster.
  11. Complete the "Purple Figure" mission. This is an additional quest, which we talk about in a separate guide. Please note that after the start of the quests of this chain, if you delay with the order (catching and delivering fish), the figure will die. The task will end, but you will not receive a book as a reward. So, the Purple Figure will reward you with the book Engines. Working on the edge" . Open inventory by pressing TAB and click on the book on the shelf in the cabin. Once reading progress reaches 100%, you will receive a reward: the engines increase the speed of movement by 7.5% above the indicated value.
  12. Complete the "Red Figure" mission. This is an additional quest, which we talk about in a separate guide. Please note that after the start of the quests of this chain, if you delay with the order (catching and delivering fish), the figure will die. The task will end, but you will not receive a book as a reward. So, the Red Figure will reward you with the Marine Vessel Engineering book . Open inventory by pressing TAB and click on the book on the shelf in the cabin. Once reading progress reaches 100%, you will receive a reward: equipment that consumes durability loses it 15% more slowly.
