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How to unlock new characters, weapons and maps in Vampire Survivors: Tides of the Foscari (updating)


How to unlock new characters, weapons and maps in Vampire Survivors: Tides of the Foscari

Tides of the Foscari is the latest expansion for Vampire Survivors, bringing a lot of new content to the game. In this guide, we will tell you about all the heroes, weapons, and locations that are included in this set.

Vampire Survivors offers you to play as one of the many characters who fight skeletons, ghosts, and other creepy creatures. All attacks are made automatically, only the choice of weapons and support items depends on you. After the release of the Tides of the Foscari add-on, the arsenal and list of available heroes has expanded significantly. Its action takes place in the Foscari Academy, where future magicians, generals, and spies are trained. For fun and new adventures, students go to the local mysterious forest, where hordes of various monsters are already waiting for them.

How to unlock new characters, weapons and maps in Vampire Survivors: Tides of the Foscari

How to get new characters (heroes) in Vampire Survivors: Tides of the Foscari

After the release of the update, 8 new characters appeared in the game. In this section, we will tell you how to open them and what bonuses each of them has.

Eleanor Uziron

Talented student of the Moon Tower. At the start of the game, she has 10 points less health than other characters but has 20% more movement speed. The heroine also gains 25% more experience and two additional rolls when choosing new abilities.

Eleanor Uziron

Eleanor can be accessed by finding her coffin at Lake Foscari and paying 500 coins. Or go to the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane and cast the spell "spellsomething".

Eleanor's starting weapon is SpellString. Read more about all types of weapons in the game below.

Maruto Cuts

Undefeated champion of the Crimson Anvil. From the very beginning of the passage, he has 20 additional health and strength points, as well as 1 bonus armor point. True, the Curse parameter is 10% higher. After taking damage, the defense increases by another 1 unit. The effect lasts for 10 seconds but will be extended by 1 second after each missed hit.

Maruto Cuts

To unlock Maruto, you need to combine weapons called "Spell String" (SpellString), "Spell Stream", and "Magic Strike" (SpellStrike). All three types of weapons must be upgraded to a maximum level of 6. In addition, you will have to spend 3000 coins. If you wish, you can use the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane. There you need to write the spell "animeismypassion".

Maruto's base weapon is the Eskizzibur sword.

Keita Muort

A cunning, but slightly frivolous archer. She has a 40% bonus to movement speed, her attack speed is increased by 20%, and her luck is increased by 10%. At the same time, the cooldown is reduced by 10%, and the Curse is increased by 10%. With each new level, the character's luck grows by 1%. There is no ceiling for the development of this parameter.

Keita Muort

Access to Keita opens in the course of the evolution of the sword Sketchzibur (Eskizzibur) in the Legionnaire (Legionnaire). We describe this procedure in more detail below. The cost of unlocking the heroine is 3000 coins. You can also enter the spell "oopsistoleoneagain" in the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane.

Keita's default weapon is the Flash Arrow.

Luminaire Foscari

The Keeper of the Lake, also known as the Lady of the Trees. Her starting bonuses are 40% movement speed, 0.5 points of vitality regeneration, 7 points of Rebirth, and 5 points of Banishment. When the level increases, the Rosary skill is activated. In this case, after respawning, Luminari gains 200% attack power and 300% movement speed but slows down cooldown by 100%. The effect lasts 17 seconds + 2 more seconds per respawn.

Luminaire Foscari

The Luminari will unlock after you break the Seal of the Abyss with Maruto in the Abyss Foscari. The cost of unlocking is 5000 coins. Or you can cast the spell "deusexmachina" in the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane.

Luminari's starting weapon is the Prismatic Missile.

Genevieve Gruyere

She has 50% increased Magnet and Greed abilities, 20% increased movement speed, and 5 extra rolls during reward selection.

Genevieve Gruyere

You will unlock Genevieve by destroying the Seal of the Banished with Eleanor in the Abyss Foscari. Apart from this, you will need to pay 5000 coins. If you wish, you can go to the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane and cast the basicwitch spell.

Genevieve's base weapon is the Shadow Servant.


This hero has 150 bonus health, 5 extra armor, and 7 reward rolls. Strength, Greed, and Magnet increased by 50%. With each new level, attack power increases by 1%, and curse - by 0.5%. There is no ceiling for the development of these skills.


Once per life, Zhe-Ne-Viv can summon a World Eater. When a hero receives fatal damage, he does not die, but becomes invulnerable for two seconds, after which he kills all enemies on the screen. They drop small hearts that allow you to restore health.

Zhe-Ne-Viva can be unlocked by defeating 100,000 enemies in a single run while playing as Genevieve Gruyere. In addition, you can unlock a hero in the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane with the worldeater spell.

Zhe-Ne-Viv's starting weapon is the Shadow Servant.


It looks like a caterpillar that you kill during the game. At the start, it has 2 additional recovery points. At the same time, his attack power is reduced by 60%. However, it will increase by 10% upon reaching levels 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, and 21. Sammy has a bonus to gold spawn chance. Its base value is 0.165, and with each new level, it will increase by 0.005 until it reaches 0.65. That is, the maximum chance to knock out a gold coin is 65%.


Sammy is unlocked as a playable character after you kill 6000 caterpillars. The cost of unlocking the hero is 50,000 coins. Expensive, but thanks to its abilities, you can earn much more. As in previous cases, you can use the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane. Enter the spell "happybirthday" .

Sammy's default weapon is Vicious Hunger.


Another ordinary enemy that can become a playable character. It has a 20% movement speed bonus. Every 20 levels, the number of projectiles that the hero launches will be increased by 1. The maximum value is 4.


To unlock this character, you need to kill 6000 Rotten Ghouls. Then purchase it for 500 coins or go to the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane and cast the souloftheparty spell .

The Rotten Ghoul's base weapon is the Party Popper.

How to get new weapons in Vampire Survivors: Tides of the Foscari

Along with the update, 13 new types of weapons were added. In this section, we will tell you how to unlock them, how they deal damage to opponents, and what bonuses you will receive during leveling.

Spell Thread (SpellString)

  • Max level: 6.
Spell Thread

Eleanor Uziron starts the game with this weapon. To unlock it for other characters, you need to hold out on the location for 15 minutes while playing as this girl. The thread attacks enemies with magical lines, with projectiles accelerating over time. The higher the speed, the more damage from them. Each new level of pumping adds an additional thread. At levels 3 and 5, base damage is increased by 1.

Spell Stream

  • Max level: 6.
Spell Stream

The flow is unlocked after you pump the SpellString (SpellString) to the maximum level 6. This weapon fires magic balls at nearby enemies that gradually return to the player. They deal damage in their path, which depends on the area of ​​the affected area. The same enemy can take damage from one ball, but no more than 1 time per 0.4 seconds. With each level, the size of the ball increases, and at the 2nd, 4th, and 6th levels, the basic attack is additionally increased by 5 units.

Magic strike (SpellStrike)

  • Max level: 6.
Magic strike

You will unlock this weapon when you level SpellStream to max level 6. A magical strike creates a zone near the enemy that deals damage. Only works at close range. Damage increases depending on the strength in the ratio of 1 to 1.25. At levels 2, 4, and 6, the interval between the appearance of two magic balls is reduced by 0.4 seconds, and at levels 3 and 5, the damage is increased by 40 points.

Magic Storm (SpellStrom)

  • Max level: 1.
Magic Storm

Can only be obtained by combining Spell Thread, Magic Strike, and Spell Flux that have been previously maxed out at level 6. The weapon creates two orbs that deal damage and fire magical beams. It looks like three weapons are functioning at the same time. At the same time, Spell Threads gain 10 additional points of damage, the number of Magic hits increases by 2, and the speed of Spell Flow is increased by 100%, their duration is increased by 0.5 seconds, and the area of ​​effect is increased by 50%.

Sketchzibur (Eskizzibur)

  • Max level: 8.

Maruto Cuts' starting weapon. If you stay alive for 15 minutes while playing for it, then this sword will be available for other heroes. It swings around the character. Can retaliate against enemies once every 1.5 seconds. Upon reaching level 5, every 5th attack hits the ground and deals damage in an area. At levels 3, 4, 6, and 7, basic attack is increased by 5, and at level 8, by 10. Along with this, an additional hit appears on the 2nd. Also at levels 4 and 6, the area of ​​effect of the sword is increased by 10%.


  • Max level: 1.

Can be obtained by fusing a Level 8 Sketchburr with Armor. The possibility of clones will be added to the already-mentioned features of the sword. They follow the hero, and when attacked, the Divine Bloodline is launched, which deals damage to enemies and restores your character's health.

Flash Arrow

  • Max level: 8.
Flash Arrow

Keitha Muort's base weapon. You can unlock it for other characters as well if you can survive in the arena for 15 minutes while playing as this heroine. Launches an arrow at enemies that moves in the same way as your hero and can pierce multiple enemies at once. Has a 20% chance to deal critical damage that increases attack by 2 times. The probability depends on the Luck parameter. At levels 3, 5, and 7, basic attack is increased by 10, and the number of enemies pierced by 7. At levels 2 and 8, the intervals between launching two arrows will be reduced by 0.5 seconds, while the flight speed will increase by 25%, and at levels 4 and 6 - by 20%.


  • Max level: 1.

It can be assembled from Flash Arrow, Clower, and Bracer, which are pumped to the limit. It differs from the previous weapon in an increased area of ​​effect, piercing an unlimited number of enemies and an increased chance of dropping gold.

Prismatic Missile

  • Max level: 8.
Prismatic Missile

The starting weapon is Luminaire Foscari. If you hold onto it for 15 minutes in any arena, you can unlock the Prismatic Projectile for other heroes as well. It launches a ring that descends from the top of the screen towards the character, spins around them, and then explodes. At levels 2, 3, 5, 6 and 8, one additional projectile is added. In addition, at levels 2, 5, and 8, the area of ​​effect is increased by 40%, and at levels 3 and 6, the damage is increased by 5 points. At levels 4 and 7, the interval between projectile launches is reduced by 0.3 seconds.


  • Max level: 1.

You will get it if you combine the Prismatic Missile and the Crown, which are pumped to the limit value. This weapon hits enemies with vertical beams and fires circles that damage enemies. Compared to the Prismatic projectile, the Lantern has higher damage, but a smaller active area of ​​effect and a longer interval between two attacks.

Shadow Servant

  • Max level: 8.
Shadow Servant

Genevieve Gruyere and Je-Ne-Viv's base weapon that summons an ally. It approaches enemies and explodes near them. They have a 50% chance to be slowed indefinitely. Each hit reduces speed by 5% until it reaches 80% after 16 attacks. At the 2nd and 6th levels of pumping, one additional ally will appear, at the 3rd, 4th, 7th, and 8th levels, damage increases by 5 units. At level 5, the explosion area is increased by 50%.

Ofion (Ophion)

  • Max level: 1.
Ofion (Ophion)

You will receive this weapon if you combine the Shadow Servant and the Skull O'Maniac (Skull O'Maniac), which are pumped to the maximum level. It creates stationary spheres that damage enemies. After the time expires, the spheres explode. There is a 1% chance to instantly kill an enemy. The probability can be increased with the Luck parameter. Compared to Shadow Servant, Ophion's active area of ​​effect is smaller, but the interval between two attacks is shortened.

Party Popper

  • Max level: 8.
Party Popper

Rottin'Ghoul's starting weapon. It can be bought in the store for 1000 coins so that other characters can use it. It launches confetti at enemies, which fly in the same direction as the character is looking, and then fall down. In this case, the projectiles pierce opponents. Confetti duration is increased by 0.5 seconds at levels 2 and 5 and by 1 second at levels 8. At levels 3 and 6, flight speed is increased by 20%, and at levels 4 and 7, the damage is increased by 10 points.

How to Get the Academy Badge - New Support Item

  • Max level: 6th.
Awarded for reaching level 30 while playing as Keitha Muort, Maruto Cuts, or Eleanor Uziron. It reduces experience gained by 3% per level but gives other bonuses. At levels 2, 4, and 6, the number of projectiles increases by 1, and at levels 3 and 5, the Revival parameter increases by 1. It shows how many times the hero will be able to return after death with 50% vitality.

How to Get the Academy Badge - New Support Item

New cards in Vampire Survivors: Tides of the Foscari

  • Lake Foscari. A mysterious forest where many fantasy creatures live. A great place where you can gain experience without much difficulty;
  • Foscari Abyss (Abyss Foscari). A sealed place where the most terrible and evil creatures live. Location for those who want to challenge their skills.
