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Where to buy new ships in Everspace 2 - list of available ships


Where to buy new ships in Everspace 2 - list of available ships

In Everspace 2, a small number of ships are available to players, but some of them are not as easy to obtain as it might seem at first glance. In this guide, we will tell you how to open and get new spaceships, as well as describe their characteristics.

Where to buy and how to get new ships

To gain access to upgraded ships, players will first have to progress through the story. While completing the Spares & Scrap quest, you will meet Officer Shaw in the Nephtys Plains. When you deal with the criminals who attacked the colony, you can dock at the station and purchase one of the available starships.

Visit a ship merchant where you can buy one of five different flying devices. Some variants are only cosmetic changes, while others are completely unique and have their own characteristics.

Where to buy and how to get new ships

As you progress through the story to the Union System, the Freelancer Hangar will have even more spaceships for you to acquire. From now on, you will be able to buy almost all combat vehicles in the game.

Note: Everspace 2 is in development, so it's possible that more starships could be added to the game soon. We will definitely update this guide.

Sentinel I

The starter ship, which is available to all Everspace 2 players. It is equipped with a fragile shield, so you often have to return to the station for the next repair.

Sentinel I


  • Shield: 25%;
  • Armor: 0%;
  • Body: 280;
  • Feature: "Calibration" (Calibration) - increase the duration of buffs by 30%;
  • Ultimate ability: "Static Overload" - turns the main weapon of a spaceship into lightning cannons that release electric arcs at enemy ships;
  • Passive: Killing an enemy with Static Overload restores 10% of the shield's durability.

Sentinel I Plus

It is an improved version of the starter ship with higher performance: it is equipped with a more powerful shield and armor and also has increased hull points. If you like the look of the default aircraft, then you need to accumulate 31,177 credits and go to the Nephtys Plains station, in the Freelancer Hangar.

Sentinel I Plus


  • Shield: 30%;
  • Armor: 5%;
  • Body: 392;
  • Feature: "Calibration" (Calibration) - increase the duration of buffs by 30%;
  • Ultimate ability: "Static Overload" - turns the main weapon of the starship into lightning cannons that release electric arcs at enemy ships;
  • Passive Ability: Reduces the cooldown of combat devices by 20%.
You can also purchase other upgrades for this ship with unique passive effects:

  • The cooldown of all support devices is instantly reset when the shield is depleted (can be used once every 2 minutes);
  • Each time an enemy is destroyed, the cooldown on a random device is reduced by 1 second.

Interceptor I

It first becomes available at the Nephtys Plains station, where you can buy it for 13,325 credits. The peculiarity of this starship allows you to destroy enemies without wasting the energy of your weapon.

Interceptor I


  • Shield: 10%;
  • Armor: 5%;
  • Body: 360;
  • Feature: "Power Converter" (Power Converter) - the weapon uses reserve energy after the main supply of energy of the weapon is exhausted;
  • Ultimate Ability: Weapon Overdrive - Significantly increases weapon damage and rate of fire, and grants unlimited energy. Killing an enemy increases the remaining duration by 1 second;
  • Passive: Increases primary weapon damage by 10%.
Note: If you purchase the Interceptor I from the Freelancer Hangar in the Union System, it will have a different skin, design, and passive feature: it returns 20% of the energy used after the ult is deactivated. Available for 13,153 credits.

Interceptor I "Plus" (Interceptor I+)

An improved version of the flying device is also sold in the Freelancer Hangar for 30,620 credits. In addition to increased strength, armor, and shield, he does not offer any special changes.

Interceptor I "Plus" (Interceptor I+)


  • Shield: 15%;
  • Armor: 10%;
  • Body: 504;
  • Feature: "Power Converter" (Power Converter) - the weapon uses reserve energy after the main supply of energy of the weapon is exhausted;
  • Ultimate Ability: Weapon Overdrive - Significantly increases weapon damage and rate of fire, and grants unlimited energy. Killing an enemy increases the remaining duration by 1 second;
  • Passive: Increases primary weapon damage by 10%.
You can also choose other upgrades for this flying device with unique passive effects:

  • Gathering an energy ball increases the chance of a critical shot by 1-20% for 8 seconds;
  • Hits from the main weapon restore 30% of the energy.

Striker I

The Striker I can also be purchased at the Nephtys Plains station for 12,885 credits. The ultimate ability of the ship allows you to deal damage to several enemies at once, aiming at only one enemy. Combined with the special Close Combat Mode, the Striker I becomes a powerful weapon.

Striker I


  • Shield: 5%;
  • Armor: 10%;
  • Hull: 300;
  • Feature: "Close Combat" - increases damage by 5% for each enemy within 500 meters to 30%;
  • Ultimate ability: "Quantum Tether" - damage dealt to one target is transferred to other enemies within the radius of action. The more enemy ships around the target, the greater the maximum damage;
  • Passive Ability: The speed of blocked enemy targets is reduced by 20%.
Note: If you buy the Striker I from the Freelancer Hangar in the Union System, it will have a different skin, design, and passive feature: activating the ult instantly restores 50% armor. Such a ship is available for 12,741 credits.

Forward I "Plus" (Striker I +)

This improved version of the Striker I includes a more powerful shield, increased hull, and armor points. You can purchase it from the Freelancer Hangar for 30,491 credits.

Forward I "Plus" (Striker I +)


  • Shield: 10%;
  • Armor: 15%;
  • Body: 420;
  • Feature: "Close Combat" - increases damage by 5% for each enemy within 500 meters to 30%;
  • Ultimate ability: "Quantum Tether" - damage dealt to one target is transferred to other enemies within the radius of action. The more enemy ships around the target, the greater the maximum damage;
  • Passive Ability: The speed of blocked enemy targets is reduced by 20%.

Gunship I

Like many previous ships, it becomes available at the Nephtys Plains station, where it is sold for 12,672 credits. Do not be afraid of the high price of this aircraft, as it is offset by high strength. A good arsenal and an ultimate ability help to deal serious damage to enemies with a high rate of fire.

Gunship I


  • Shield: 0%;
  • Armor: 60%;
  • Hull: 480
  • Feature: "Arsenal" (Arsenal) - uses four main nodes, effectively doubling both the rate of fire and energy consumption;
  • Ultimate ability: "Turret" - an automatic turret that fires projectiles at your enemies for 20 seconds after activation;
  • Passive: When activated, the turret will also attack mines.

Gunship I Cosmetic

This version of the warship is an alternate skin that can be purchased at the Nephtys Plains station for 14,353 credits.

Gunship I Cosmetic

Gunship I Plus (Gunship I+)

An improved version of the starship can be bought in the same place as its junior upgrade. The cost will more than double: 30,905 credits.

Gunship I Plus (Gunship I+)


  • Shield: 5%;
  • Armor: 65%;
  • Body: 672;
  • Feature: "Arsenal" (Arsenal) - thanks to the four main nodes, the rate of fire of the guns doubles, and with them the energy consumption;
  • Ultimate ability: "Turret" - activates an automatic turret that fires at enemy ships for 20 seconds.
  • Passive: Grants a 30% damage bonus against drones.
Note: When purchasing this spaceship from the Freelancer Hangar in the Union System, it will have a different skin and passive effect. The extra ability simply says "Coil Gun Gurret". We did not have time to check this point, but it is likely that this turret differs in characteristics and abilities from the regular model. Such a ship will cost you 31,247 credits.

Scout I 

Visit the Nephtys Plains station to purchase this starship for 13,524 credits. It is a light reconnaissance aircraft with a small amount of health, so you will often have to stay away from the accumulation of enemy ships. Despite this, Scout I + has special abilities that allow you to deal with opponents at fairly large distances.

Scout I


  • Shield: -5%;
  • Armor: -15%;
  • Hull: 160;
  • Feature: "Ranger" (Ranger) - deals 2% more damage for every 100 m distance to the target;
  • Ultimate ability: "Shadow Strike" (Shadow Strike) - makes the ship invisible to enemies and gradually increases weapon damage up to 300%. Dropped when fired. Firing weapons will also attract attention and allow enemies to activate auto-target;
  • Passive Ability: The ship ignores mines during an active ult.
Note: There are two more versions of the vessel available in the Freelancer Hangar with unique passive abilities. One of them has the same look and the other comes in gray with red trim. Passive Abilities:

  • Accelerates energy regeneration during ult (13,524 credits);
  • Grants 5 seconds of invulnerability after the end of the ult (13,432 credits).

Scout I "Plus" (Scout I+)

A reinforced version of the reconnaissance ship, which can be purchased for 31,016 credits.

Scout I "Plus" (Scout I+)


  • Shield: 0%;
  • Armor: -10%;
  • Body: 224;
  • Feature: "Ranger" (Ranger) - deals 2% more damage for every 100 m distance to the target.
  • Ultimate ability: "Shadow Strike" (Shadow Strike) - makes the ship invisible to enemies and gradually increases weapon damage up to 300%. Dropped when fired. Firing weapons will also attract attention and allow enemies to activate auto-target;
  • Passive: The ship ignores mines during an active ult.
If you purchase the Interceptor I from the Freelancer Hangar in the Union System, it will have a different skin and passive feature: weapon range increased by 30%. Another passive perk: 100% increased energy regen while ulting.
