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The best submarines in Barotrauma - how to get and which one to choose


The best submarines in Barotrauma - how to get and which one to choose

Barotrauma is a hardcore game with a lot of mechanics. In this guide, we will tell you what submarines are in the game, what you should pay attention to, and how to interact with your new “home”.

In order to survive, you will have to choose the right submarine, learn all the skills, enemies, medicine, the profession of an electrician, and much more. And all this under huge water pressure, where any mistake will cost you your life.

What are the types of submarines and important details

Regardless of size, submarines can be divided into 3 types:

  • Transport - allows you to quickly earn money on cargo transportation missions, as it holds 5 times more boxes than other types. Strong, but rather slow;
  • Reconnaissance - necessary for exploring the map for mineral deposits. Differs in maneuverability, but problems with durability and armament;
  • Combat - designed for aggressive play, such submarines can function even with holes, and when fully upgraded, enemies will not even be able to get close to you.

Access to diving suits. When there is a hole in the submarine at great depth, the pressure will kill your character in about 5 seconds. If access to the suits is difficult for you, then there is a reason to think about changing the submarine, or always go around in suits and monitoring the level of oxygen.

Automatic oxygen replenishment. In a good submarine, you just need to put oxygen tanks under the suit closet so that they gradually fill up.

Presence of fabricator, deconstructor, and medical fabricator. These devices are available at every outpost, but the processing of minerals and the creation of medicines will take a long time. When working as a team, assign one person to resource management, then your stops at outposts will be much shorter.

Quick access to external guns and ammunition. In many standard submarines, little attention is paid to this, which in critical situations will lead you to restart. When choosing a submarine, consider access to the gun and the ability to fire in all directions.

Number of cabinets and total capacity. The game has a huge amount of resources that will be useful to you in passing. Do not neglect cabinets and containers for storing resources so that you do not go to the bottom at the most inopportune moment.

The number of players required to control the submarine. The larger the submarine, the more players or bots you will need to survive. Expand your team or buy more bots at outposts, if necessary.

The best submarines in Barotrauma. Which submarine to choose

In the game, you can create your own boat (we do not recommend doing this) or choose from ready-made options. Officially, 15 submarines are presented in Barotrauma, all of them are balanced and allow you to avoid learning the basics of construction. Submarines are divided into three levels, which open as you progress through the game. We have marked for you two of the best options for each level.



  • Type: reconnaissance;
  • Maximum capacity: 8 boxes;
  • Fabricator: no;
  • Deconstructor: no;
  • Medical fabricator: no;
  • Team size: 3-5 people.
Submarine of the first level, which will help you in the extraction of resources. You can break all the collected materials at the stations, so the absence of a fabricator will not prevent you from earning. In this way, you can learn the basic features of the game, earning enough money to buy upgrades, a crew, and a new submarine.



  • Type: transport;
  • Maximum capacity: 60 boxes;
  • Fabrikator: yes;
  • Deconstructor: yes;
  • Medical fabricator: yes;
  • Team size: 4-6 people.
If you plan to interact more with outposts than explore the bottom of Europe, then you will need this submarine. In the early stages, there are few weak enemies, so you can focus on peaceful missions. Huge capacity and the presence of all the necessary devices provide autonomy, although there are drawbacks in the form of blind spots and a weak body.



  • Type: combat;
  • Maximum capacity: 4 boxes;
  • Fabrikator: yes;
  • Deconstructor: yes;
  • Medical fabricator: yes;
  • Team size: 4-6 people.

After advancing in the story and accumulating at least 13,000 credits, you will be able to buy a better quality submarine. Humpback is a balanced choice among competitors. It has everything you need for independent crafting, as well as a lot of space for growing plants. The exit is located below, which means that you will not be flooded by an accidentally opened hatch. You need 4-6 players to manage, and if your team is smaller, just recruit bots and give them instructions.



  • Type: reconnaissance;
  • Maximum capacity: 8 boxes;
  • Fabrikator: yes;
  • Deconstructor: yes;
  • Medical fabricator: no;
  • Team size: 3-5 people.
A fast submarine that will help you avoid collisions with a lot of local inhabitants. There are few blind spots, but we do not recommend engaging in protracted fights. In the second stage, there will be a lot of minerals on the map, so the reconnaissance submarine is a good option to replenish supplies and earn some money.

Beryllium (Berilia)


  • Type: transport;
  • Maximum capacity: 96 boxes;
  • Fabrikator: yes;
  • Deconstructor: yes;
  • Medical fabricator: yes;
  • Team size: 12-16 people.

The further you go through the story, the more items you will have. In addition, the number of resources and enemies on the map will increase. In such circumstances, you need a transport submarine, namely Beryllia (Berilia). Quite large and has 2 exits, which will allow you to quickly explore the environment and return to a safe place. To manage, you will need to expand the team to at least 12 people. Of the minuses, you can note a lot of blind spots near the guns, but the installed magnetic coils, which stun all enemies in a small radius, will help you survive.



  • Type: reconnaissance;
  • Maximum capacity: 8 boxes;
  • Fabrikator: yes;
  • Deconstructor: yes;
  • Medical fabricator: yes;
  • Research table: yes:
  • Team size: 8-12 people.
Fully autonomous submarine, which consists of two parts. The combat power is enough to withstand the sea bosses, and the research shuttle will allow you to create everything you need without being distracted by the rest of the crew. The ballast compartment is located away from the main areas, which will allow you to safely pass the infected areas of the water, adding time to eliminate parasites.


There are many more submarines in the game with their own strengths and weaknesses. But with the ones described above, you can go through the game comfortably without thinking about additional upgrades. If you want to use the creative studio and try out player submarines, then our tips will help you quickly find the right one.
