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Best Healing Relics in Remnant 2


Best Healing Relics in Remnant 2

One of the biggest changes in the Remnant sequel is that there are more healing relics, and they all behave differently. They offer completely different effects, but not all provide a fixed healing rate. This is just another way this game will help you create your unique build. We collected and experimented with many of them to determine the best relics in Remnant 2.

In Remnant 2, you can create your own unique build by combining different items. These can be mods, mutators, amulets, relics, and more that improve the effect of healing. To make a good and reliable build, it is important to understand all the nuances of the game, but doing it yourself is quite difficult, as it requires spending tens of hours in the game.

Dragon Heart

Dragon Heart

The easiest option if you want pure healing. A versatile relic in Remnant 2 that will be useful for many builds. At the beginning of the game, it will be a good option, because the base number of charges is 5, which will be enough to get from one control point to another or clear the location.

Although the default 70 health is less of a hit in the later stages of the game, it makes up for it with 10 possible uses with additional upgrades. You can also compensate for the effect with health regeneration rings and amulets. There isn't a build that can't benefit from this relic in some way.

In the later stages of the game, Dragonheart will be slightly less effective as your total HP and damage dealt by enemies will increase. For this reason, you will have to look for an alternative, i.e. the relics listed below.

Enlarged Heart

Enlarged Heart

Enlarged Heart is the next step if you need more healing than Dragonheart offers. This is a great tool with double-use speed and 140 health healing. The obvious downside is that this cuts the use of the relic in half.

For this reason, you may have to wait until the end of the game when you have at least six uses. However, the Tear of Kaeula ring, which grants two additional uses of the relic, is a must-have if you want to fix this.

Resonating Heart

Resonating Heart

Resonating Heart is great for an emergency escape from a mess. You get a guaranteed 50% of your maximum healing, which is probably way more than Dragonheart gives you. However, the relic cools down over a longer period of time.

An important aspect of this relic is that any healing received after being fully filled is doubled and returned within 20 seconds. This can definitely be enough to keep you on your toes during a tough fight.

Tranquil Heart

Tranquil Heart

The secret relic "Tranquil Heart" can be obtained using Nimue in Remnant 2. The Goddess can be found in Nimue's Sanctuary, accessed through the Losomn region. How you discover it will depend on your randomly generated path through the world. Speak with Nimue and exchange a Tormented Heart for a Serene Heart. The old relic will be gone forever.

The relic is suitable for healer builds or those who need more substantial HP maintenance. It will provide you with the recovery you need to survive a little longer and defeat your opponents. The item grants passive health regeneration and doubles healing from various sources for 15 seconds.

Runed Heart

Runed Heart

Power mods can be tricky to maintain, especially the stronger ones that require a lot more to charge. If you have high-damage mods, this is a good relic for you, but it may not be your only healing method.

Restoring five health per second in just 10 seconds makes this relic the worst to heal. However, there are many other sources to increase this stat and make health regeneration even better. Namely, using the Summoner archetype and leveling up its unique trait.

Siphon Heart

Siphon Heart

This relic does not provide much healing but instead stacks with some of the effects that the ring can provide. The suggested lifestyle is great, but it doesn't allow you to quickly recover from a tough fight.

Siphon Heart is a good choice if your weapon is upgraded and does a lot of damage. This relic's effect grants 10% of base damage as life steal for 10 seconds. If you are a fan of automatic weapons and can quickly and accurately hit the target, you will restore most of your health. For this reason, you especially need the extra health regen.

Also, the relic doesn't play well with anything other than automatic weapons, so most likely the relic won't work well for Hunters. Also, a lot depends on your build. Siphon Heart will be most effective if you use other vamp items. The Siphoner trait, which maxes out at +3% lifesteal, is mandatory if you're going to use it.

Thus, you can easily and quickly restore health in large quantities. A well-chosen build with the right perks will ensure you have an enjoyable game.

Void Heart

Void Heart

This is probably the best relic you can find considering it restores 100% of your health in less than a second. Of course, what matters is that you have to survive five seconds before it activates. Even though you get an additional damage reduction bonus, it is recommended to use a relic with a decent level of armor.

This makes it the perfect choice for Challengers, Gunslingers and Engineers. Given the overall quality of the Hunter's cannon, it probably won't work for them.

If you play as a Handler and add the Best Friend perk to your Empty Heart or Unsullied Heart relics, you also heal your companion. In this way, you will be able to maximize their potential.

This guide should give you an idea of ​​the healing options available with relics.
