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AZERTY Starfield: what is the best mod to change the key assignment?

 Starfield does not support AZERTY keyboards, which can be disconcerting when playing on a PC. Thus, players have implemented mods to help assign keys without there being a conflict.

Which mod to choose to support AZERTY keyboards on Starfield?

AZERTY Config File is the mod that we advise you to use so that Bethesda's latest game can finally support your keyboard. Below, you can find the entire installation instructions for the mod.

  • Download AZERTY Config File,
  • Unzip the configuration file with WinRare (as an example),
  • Place the "ControlMap_Custom.txt" file in "/Documents/My Games/Starfield"

With this simple manipulation, you will finally be able to resolve the movement key assignment problems. The modder is very invested in the questions that players may ask. He even announced that an update would be added very soon to overcome other assignment problems and correct possible errors.

If, however, the mod really does not suit you, all you need to do is delete the ControlMap_Custom.txt file from the /Documents/My Games/Starfield file and then reestablish the default key assignment in the game.

Which mod to choose to support AZERTY keyboards on Starfield

How to install mods on Starfield?

When it comes to mods, Nexusmods is the reference site. In addition to offering a very complete catalog, the latter has the merit of being very reliable.

To engage in hostilities with the plethora of mods that the site offers, you will need to register. Then, all you have to do is consult the catalog that the site offers and download the mods that interest you. Each mod has a small installation guide, including all the necessary instructions for transferring the correct files into the Starfield installation file.

Modders do everything they can to provide clear and precise explanations regarding installation, so don't hesitate to follow them to successfully install your mods.

How to avoid trophy blocking?

Mods block trophy progression on Starfield. This restriction is understandable when you want to change the experience of the base game. However, it is a real shame to deprive yourself of trophies when you just want to improve certain technical aspects.

So, modders have implemented a way to get around this restriction by creating a mod to restore trophy progression. With the “Achievement Enabler” mod, this inconvenience will no longer be a distant memory.
