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How to repair an MW3 tire in Zombies mode?

 Within Modern Warfare 3, you will be able to complete challenges including one that asks you to replace a wheel in Zombies mode. 

The new Call of Duty game, Modern Warfare 3, was highly anticipated and the title has been available since Friday, November 10  on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and Xbox Series S.

Unlike previous games, players can complete daily and weekly challenges to gain EXP boosts to level up faster. Among the challenges offered within the title, we find one that asks you to repair a tire during a game in Zombies mode. Some players are wondering how to do it and so we will give you the answer.

How to change a tire in Modern Warfare 3 in Zombies mode?

If, like some players, you are looking to know how to replace a tire in Modern Warfare 3 to complete the challenge or because you have found a damaged vehicle, we will show you the two available methods.

The first is to first collect some electrical tape. You can obtain them by searching reserves, cupboards, or even chests, and therefore; it's not a particularly difficult resource to find. As soon as you have one on you, you will have to puncture a tire by shooting it if you have to complete the challenge. Now that it's destroyed, all you have to do is move closer to the wheel to get the "Fix the Tire" interaction.

If you have electrical tape in your inventory, you just have to get closer to the wheel to be able to repair it

If you have electrical tape in your inventory, you just have to get closer to the wheel to be able to repair it
If you have electrical tape in your inventory, you just have to get closer to the wheel to be able to repair it

As for the second method, it is relatively less complicated since it consists of looking for a service station and passing there, the repair is done automatically. To save yourself a lot of trouble, we advise you to pop the wheel a little before the station.
