In Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, you must use the Sapper Drone to achieve eliminations and complete a challenge. We tell you how to do it.
Modern Warfare 3 was one of the games awaited by fans at the end of 2023 and the title has now available since Friday, November 10 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and Xbox Series S.
In this new opus, players can complete different challenges, including one that requires using a sapper drone to achieve eliminations. Some people are wondering how to do it and we will therefore give you the answer.
How to use a sapper drone in Modern Warfare 3?
If, like most players, you're wondering how to use a Sapper Drone, well, first you need to know that it's an elimination bonus. To use it, you will have to choose it from your killstreaks and achieve 4 eliminations during a game to unlock it. You then simply deploy it by throwing it and it pursues the nearest enemy until it reaches them.
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