How to play the Yasuo Reroll comp with Edgelord in Set 10? The editorial team offers you a guide to champions, items, and positioning.
The composition Yasuo Reroll with Edgelord is one of the compositions of Set 10 of Teamfight Tactics. All the information on the champions, classes, and origins, as well as the new objects in this set, are available in this article.
We present to you the different champions of the composition, the objects they can carry, their positioning on your board as well as some advice on how to play the composition.
How to play the Yasuo Reroll comp with Edgelord in TFT Set 10?
Yasuo is an AD carry that can deal huge damage when you find him early in the game. Since he is Edgelord, you can play him easily if you play this trait early, by placing 3 Edgelords like Mordekaiser or even Kayle if you have them early. The goal will be to have a Headliner Yasuo with the Edgelord trait in order to have the 7 as quickly as possible.
In terms of composition, the game plan is quite simple: play 7 Edgelord (with Yasuo Headliner ) gradually introducing your Edgelord characters. You need to slowroll to level 5 in order to get Yasuo three stars as quickly as possible. This is what your boeard should look like at level 5:
Once the composition has reached level 5 with your 3-star carry, you can easily move to level 8 in order to complete your composition with the 7 Edgelords. Also, at level 9 adding a legendary like Illaoi, Ziggs or Qiyana can always do the trick.
As for items, Yasuo is very powerful with resistance, which is why items like Mercury or Sterak's Gage will be very important to have. Bloodthirst is also a must-have item. Otherwise, Yasuo carries a lot of different items: Giant Slayer, Doom Blade, Infinity Blade, Hextech Gunblade, Hand of Justice...
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