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TFT Set 10: The new champions, all the information

 We present to you all the information on the new champions of Set 10 of TFT: their stats, their spells, their synergies...

Teamfight Tactics Set 10 releases Tuesday, November 21 on live servers. He brings with him 62 new champions, here is all the information on their spells, their statistics, and their synergies.

For more information on TFT Set 10, don't hesitate to take a look at the new classes and origins, or the new Headliner mechanic.

The new champions of TFT Set 10

Champions at 1 PO


  • Annie, Emo/Spellweaver
  • Role: Magic Caster / Range: 4
  • Passive: After casting her spell 4 times, Annie gains attack speed and targets 1 additional enemy with her spell.
  • Spell: Deal magic damage to the current target.
  • Headliner Effect: +20 power

  • Corki, 8-bit / Big Shot
  • Role: Physical Carry / Range: 4
  • > Spell: Deals physical damage to enemies within 1 hex of the current target and injures them for a few seconds.
  • Wound: Reduces healing received by 50%
  • Headliner Effect: +20% AD


  • Evelynn , K/DA / Crowd Diver
  • Role: Magic Fighter Range: 1
  • Spell: Deal magic damage to the current target. For 4 seconds, gain attack speed and heal on attacks.
  • Headlining Effect: +150 HP and +20 Power


  • Jinx, Punk/Rapidfire
  • Role: Physical Carry / Range: 4
  • Minigun Passive: Attacks benefit from bonus attack speed.
  • Rocket Launcher Passive: Attacks deal bonus physical damage.
  • Spell: Switches between minigun and rocket launcher.
  • Headlining Effect: Minigun attacks grant 1% additional attack speed, and rocket launcher attacks deal 5% additional damage

  • Kennen, True Damage/Superfan/Guardian
  • Role: Magic tank / Range: 2
  • Spell: Causes 3 shocks in 3 seconds. Each blast deals magic damage to a random enemy within range and stuns them for 1 second.
  • Bling-bling Bonus: Launches a shock on an additional target for 60% damage and a stun duration.
  • Headlining Effect: +100 HP and shocks heal for 2% of max HP

  • K'Sante , Heartsteel / Sentinel
  • Role: Physical tank / Range: 1
  • Spell: Enters a defensive stance, reducing damage taken by 2.5 seconds. Then deals physical damage to the current target. 
  • Headliner Effect: +300 HP

  • Lillia , K/DA / Superfan / Sentinel
  • Role: Magic tank / Range: 1
  • Spell: Deals magic damage to adjacent enemies. Heals Lillia for and her closest ally for.
  • Headlining Effect: +150 HP and heals 20% more

  • Nami, Disco/Dazzler
  • Role: Magic Caster / Range: 4
  • Spell: Deals magic damage to the current target and stuns them for 1.5 seconds.
  • Headliner Effect: +20 power

  • Olaf , Pentakill/Bruiser
  • Role: Physical fighter / Range: 1
  • Spell (Passive): Olaf heals his HP while attacking. For every 1% of health points missing, he gains attack speed.
  • Headlining Effect: +100 HP and +10 armor/magic resistance
Tahm Kench

  • Tahm Kench, Country / Bruiser
  • Role: Magic tank / Range: 1
  • Spell (Passive): Each damage suffered is reduced by a percentage.
  • Headliner Effect: +300 HP

  • Taric , Disco/Guardian
  • Role: Magic tank / Range: 1
  • Spell: Gains a shield for 4 seconds. Taric's next 2 attacks deal bonus magic damage.
  • Headlining Effect: +150 HP and +20 armor

  • Vi, Punk / Mosher
  • Role: Physical tank / Range: 1
  • Spell: Deals physical damage to the current target, stunning them for a few seconds, and reducing their armor for the rest of the fight. If the target has more health than Vi, it takes bonus damage instead.
  • Headliner Effect: +150 HP and +10% AD

  • Yasuo, True Damage/Edgelord
  • Role: Physical fighter / Range: 1
  • Spell: Deal damage to current target. If she dies, Yasuo gains a permanent AD bonus.
  • Bling-bling Bonus: The spell executes enemies with less than 10% health points.
  • Headlining Effect: +100 HP and +10% omnivampirism

The 2 PO champions


  • Aphelios , Heartsteel/Rapidfire
  • Role: Physical Carry / Range: 4
  • Spell: Aphelios launches an explosion at the current target. It deals physical damage to the first enemy hit and physical damage to adjacent enemies. The hit unit is stunned for a few seconds. If they are dead, adjacent units are stunned.
  • Headliner Effect: +20% AD

  • Bard, Jazz/Dazzler
  • Role: Magic Caster / Range: 4
  • Spell: Play a tune composed of 4 random notes from the following:
  • Doot: Inflicts magic damage on the current target.
  • Chime: Heals the ally with the fewest health points.
  • Tip: Gain 1 gold and play another note.
  • Headlining Effect: At the start of combat, for every 10 times Bard casts a spell, play a Doot.

  • Garen , 8-bit / Sentinel
  • Role: Physical fighter / Range: 1
  • Spell: Gain maximum life points. Garen's next attack deals physical damage.
  • Headliner Effect: +400 HP

  • Gnar, Pentakill/Superfan/Mosher
  • Role: Physical fighter / Range: 2
  • Spell: Leaps to the current target and transforms for the rest of the fight, gaining health and attack damage. Subsequent throws deal physical damage to the current target.
  • Headlining Effect: +200 HP and Gnar transforms at the start of the fight

  • Gragas, Disco/Spellweaver/Bruiser
  • Role: Magic tank / Range: 1
  • Spell: Heals health points in 2 seconds. Then deal magic damage to adjacent enemies and cool them for 3 seconds.
  • Cooldown: Reduces attack speed by 30%.
  • Headlining Effect: Reduces damage dealt to him by 8% and increases damage dealt by 8%.

  • Jax, EDM/Mosher
  • Role: Magic Fighter / Range: 1
  • Spell: Leaps at the enemy with the most health points within a hexagon radius and inflicts magic damage. Then deals magic damage to all adjacent enemies. Gains bonus attack damage and power for the rest of the fight.
  • Headlining Effect: +200 HP and +20 Power

  • Kai'Sa , K/DA / Big Shot
  • Role: Physical Carry / Range: 4
  • Spell: Dashes up to 2 hexes and fires a missile at the current target. It deals physical damage to the first enemy hit.
  • Headliner Effect: +15% AD and +1 range on the dash

  • Katarina, Country/Crowd Diver
  • Role: Magic Fighter / Range: 1
  • Spell: Throws a dagger at the current target which bounces 3 times, dealing magic damage and applying Wound for 6 seconds.
  • Wound: Reduces healing received by 33%
  • Headlining Effect: +200 HP and his final dagger bounce deals 66% bonus damage

  • Kayle, Pentakill/Edgelord
  • Role: Magic Carry / Range: 4
  • Spell: For 5 seconds, attacks deal bonus magic damage in waves behind the target and shred for 4 seconds. Then deals damage to enemies around the current target.
  • Shred: Reduces magic resistance by 30%
  • Headlining Effect: +25% attack speed

  • Pantheon, Punk/Guardian
  • Role: Physical tank / Range: 1
  • Spell: Reduces damage taken by for 2.5 seconds. Then deal physical damage to the 3 enemies who dealt the most damage to Pantheon for the duration.
  • Headlining Effect: +200 HP and +15 armor/magic resistance

  • Senna, True Damage/Rapidfire
  • Role: Magic Carry / Range: 4
  • Spell: Fires a sonic blast at the target's location. It pulses 3 times, each time dealing magic damage to enemies within a 1 hex radius.
  • Bling-bling bonus: -15 Mana max
  • Headlining Effect: +10% power and each pulse becomes slightly larger

  • Seraphine , K/DA / Spellweaver
  • Role: Magic Caster / Range: 4
  • Spell: Send a high note to the largest group of units. It deals magic damage to nearby enemies and heals nearby allies.
  • Headlining Effect: Every 2 casts, casts an additional spell that deals 70% damage and heals an additional 70%

  • Twitch, Punk/Executioner
  • Role: Physical Carry / Range: 4
  • Spell: Deal physical damage to enemies within 1 hex of the current target. Deal 6 times physical damage to random enemies within 2 hexes of the target, increased by 1 for each time the physical damage deals a critical hit.
  • Headlining Effect: +15% AD and +15% critical strike chance

The 3 PO champions

  • Amumu, Emo/Guardian
  • Role: Magic tank / Range: 1
  • Spell (Passive): When attacked, he gains armor (cumulative up to 25 times).
  • Spell (Active): Deals magic damage to adjacent enemies. Every 3 casts, the radius is doubled and enemies hit are stunned for 1.5 seconds.
  • Headlining Effect: +200 HP and he also gains magic resistance when attacked

  • Ekko, True Damage/Spellweaver/Sentinel
  • Role: Magic tank / Range: 1
  • Spell: Deal magic damage to enemies within 2 hexes and stun them for 1.5 seconds. Gain a shield for 4 seconds.
  • Bling-bling Bonus: As long as the shield is in place, you receive 60 life points every second.
  • Headlining Effect: +200 HP and +20% power

  • Lulu, Hyperpop/Spellweaver
  • Role: Magic Caster /  Range: 4
  • Passive: Fire a bolt towards the current target. It deals magic damage to the first unit it passes through and magic damage to the second unit it hits. Every three throws, the 3 closest enemies are stunned for 1.5 seconds and take magic damage.
  • Headlining Effect: Reduces max mana by 10

  • Lux, EDM/Dazzler
  • Role: Magic Caster / Range: 4
  • Spell: Fires a beam at the farthest enemy, dealing magic damage to all enemies hit.
  • Headlining Effect: +10% critical strike chance and the spell can inflict critical hits
Miss Fortune

  • Miss Fortune, Jazz/Big Shot
  • Role: Physical Carry / Range: 4
  • Spell: Deals physical damage to the current target and physical damage to the nearest enemy behind them. If one of them dies, Miss Fortune gains attack speed for 4 seconds.
  • Headliner Effect: +25% AD

  • Mordekaiser , Pentakill/Sentinel
  • Role: Magic Fighter / Range: 1
  • Spell: Gains a shield and deals magic damage to adjacent enemies for 3 seconds. Then deals magic damage to nearby enemies.
  • When the spell kills a champion, Mordekaiser gains attack power and damage, as well as armor and magic resistance.
  • Headlining Effect: +200 HP, +5% power, and when he kills with his spell, Mordekaiser gains a permanent bonus of 1% power

  • Neeko , K/DA / Superfan / Guardian
  • Role  : Magic tank / Range : 1
  • Spell: Neeko cosplays as her teammate with the most HP and gains a shield based on her max HP for 4 seconds. When it breaks, it deals magic damage based on the shield's initial value to adjacent enemies.
  • Headlining Effect: +200 HP and when she cosplays as a champion, she gives him 20 mana

  • Riven, 8-bit / Edgelord
  • Role: Physical fighter / Range: 1
  • Spell: For the next 6 seconds, Riven gains a shield and deals bonus physical damage to the target and adjacent enemies when she attacks.
  • Headlining Effect: +200 HP, +10% AD and +10 armor and magic resistance

  • Samira, Country / Executioner
  • Role: Physical Carry / Range: 4
  • Spell ( Passive): Attacks that deal a critical hit grant a Style rating ranging from E to S. Each Style grants attack speed.
  • Spell (Active): Deals physical damage to the current target, then additional physical damage per Style achieved. Then reset the Style. 
  • Headlining Effect: +10% AD and +10% critical strike chance

  • Sett, Heartsteel/Bruiser/Mosher
  • Role: Magic Fighter / Range: 1
  • Spell: Deals magic damage to the current target and magic damage to enemies in a cone around it. Gain a shield for 2 seconds, increased based on Sett's missing HP.
  • Headlining Effect: +250 HP and when Sett drops below 15% of his max HP or when he dies, he gains +50 permanent HP

  • Urgot, Country / Mosher
  • Role: Physical fighter / Range: 2
  • Spell: For 8 seconds, Urgot converts the attack speed bonus into attack damage. Attacks deal physical damage in a cone and grant Urgot 30% of the damage dealt as a shield for 5 seconds.
  • Headlining Effect: +15% AD and +10% omnivampirism

  • Vex, Emo/Executioner
  • Role: Magic Caster / Range : 3
  • Spell: Casts a shadow at the current target. It stuns enemies within a 1-hex radius for 1.5 seconds. Then, it deals magic damage to enemies within a 1-hex radius.
  • Headliner Effect: +25% power

  • Yone , Heartsteel/Edgelord/Crowd Diver
  • Role: Physical fighter / Range: 1
  • Spell: Gains a cumulative omnivampirism bonus for the rest of the fight. Then slash twice, dealing physical damage to enemies in a cone each time.
  • Omnivampirism: Heals for a percentage of the damage inflicted.
  • Headliner Effect: +200 HP and +15% AD

The 4 PO champions


  • Ahri , K/DA / Spellweaver
  • Role: Magic Caster / Range: 4
  • Spell: Blows a kiss towards the current target. It deals magic damage and briefly stuns him. If the target has already been kissed, they take bonus magic damage.
  • Headliner Effect: +15% power


  • Akali, K/DA or True Damage / Breakout / Executioner
  • Role: Physical fighter / Range : 1
  • Breakout: Akali is a member of K/DA or True Damage depending on which trait has the most champions on your board. She gains a different ability depending on the form she takes.
  • Spell (K/DA): Deal physical damage to the furthest unmarked enemy and mark them. Akali dashes towards all marked enemies and deals physical damage to them.
  • Spell (True Damage): Deals three times physical damage divided between the three closest enemies. For each enemy that survives, Akali recovers mana.
  • Bling-bling Bonus: Heals for 20% of damage dealt.
  • Headlining Effect: +100 HP and +10% attack speed

  • Blitzcrank, Disco/Sentinel
  • Role: Magic tank / Range: 1
  • Spell ( Passive) : Deal magic damage to a nearby enemy every 2 seconds.
  • Spell (Active): Gain a shield. For 5 seconds, deal passive damage every second. Enemies hit take a percentage of their max HP in magic damage.
  • Headlining Effect: +200 HP and passive deals bonus damage based on Blitzcrank's max HP

  • Caitlyn, 8-bit / Rapidfire
  • Role: Physical Carry / Range: 5
  • Spell: Caitlyn shoots the 4 furthest enemies. Shots deal physical damage to the first enemy hit.
  • Headliner Effect: +10% AD and she fires 1 additional bullet which inflicts 60% damage

  • Ezreal , Heartsteel/Big Shot
  • Role: Physical Carry / Range: 4
  • Spell: Ezreal teleports away from his target and inflicts physical damage. Every 3 throws, it deals physical damage to all enemies in a row.
  • Headliner Effect: +15% AD

  • Karthus, Pentakill/Executioner
  • Role: Magic Caster / Range: 4
  • Spell: Karthus deals magic damage to the 5 enemies with the least HP. He gains mana for each enemy that dies.
  • Headliner Effect: +15% power

  • Poppy, Emo/Mosher
  • Role: Physical fighter / Range: 1
  • Spell (Passive)  : Poppy gains attack damage based on her bonus HP.
  • Spell (Active) : Gain armor and magic resistance for 6 seconds and strike the nearest enemy 3 times, dealing physical damage and healing with each hit. If this kills an enemy, strike 2 more times.
  • Headliner Effect: +150 HP and +10% AD

  • Thresh, Country/Guardian
  • Role: Magic tank / Range : 2
  • Spell: Stuns the largest group of nearby enemies for a few seconds and deals magic damage to them. Thresh heals for a fixed amount + a percentage of the damage dealt.
  • Headlining Effect: +100 HP and max mana reduced by 25
Twisted Fate

  • Twisted Fate, Disco/Dazzler
  • Role: Magic Carry / Range: 4
  • Spell: Twisted Fate casts cards split between the current target and the 3 closest enemies. They reduce magic resistance and deal magic damage. The number of cards thrown depends on the attack speed.
  • Headlining Effect: Casts 3 additional cards

  • Viego, Pentakill/Edgelord
  • Role: Physical fighter / Range: 1
  • Spell: Viego lunges at the nearest hex that would hit the most enemies, dealing physical damage to enemies within two hexes and marking them for 5 seconds. Marked enemies take 10% more damage from all sources.
  • Viego's attacks on marked enemies deal bonus physical damage.
  • Headliner Effect: +100 HP and +10% AD

  • Zac, EDM/Bruiser
  • Role: Magic tank / Range : 1
  • Spell: Bounces 3 times on nearby enemies. Each time, deals magic damage, stuns them for 1 second and heals Zac.
  • Headlining Effect: +150 HP and +10% power

  • Zed, EDM/Crowd Diver
  • Role: Physical fighter / Range: 4
  • Spell: Marks the current target and spawns an untargetable Shadow that deals physical damage for 4 seconds. After a brief delay or when the marked enemy falls below a specific HP threshold, Zed deals additional physical damage.
  • Headlining Effect: +100 HP and Shadows gain +10% AD and +10% attack speed

The 5 PO champions


  • Illaoi, ILLBEATS / Bruiser
  • Role: Physical tank / Range: 1
  • ILLBEATS: Gain 2/2/8 placeable Spirit Tentacles, based on Illaoi's Star Level. Tentacles benefit from Illaoi's armor and magic resistance bonuses.
  • Spell ( Passive) : Every 3 seconds, Illaoi's tentacles deal magic damage to nearby enemies.
  • Spell (Active): Reinvoke or completely heal the tentacle with the fewest health points. Illaoi jumps at the nearest enemy, then deals magic damage in a wide area 3 times. The tentacles snap rhythmically. She gains 100/150/400 armor and magic resistance while casting.
  • Headlining Effect: +10% AP, +20 armor and magic resistance and tentacles strike every 2 seconds

  • Jhin, Maestro / Big Shot
  • Role: Physical Carry / Range: 5
  • Spell (Active): Place 1/1/9 Rifle in one of your empty bench slots.
  • Spell ( Passive): If your bench has at least 4 Rifles, start setting the pace instead of attacking. Each rifle attacks by dealing physical damage.
  • Maestro: Jhin has an attack speed of 0.9 and converts 1% attack speed bonus into 0.5% attack damage. 
  • When he sets the pace, Jhin's guns fire at the same rate and he gains 10 Mana per volley. Every fourth volley deals 200% damage.
  • Headlining Effect: +10% AD and you start the fight with already 1 Rifle on the bench

  • Kayn , Heartsteel/Wildcard/Edgelord
  • Role: Magic Fighter / Range : 1
  • Spell: Kayn dashes, then deals magic damage to all adjacent enemies and cools them for 3 seconds. If Kayn only hits a single target, he immediately casts his spell again.
  • Cooldown: Reduces attack speed by 20%
  • Wildcard: If you win the fight with Kayn, he becomes the Shadow Assassin. Otherwise, Rhaast takes over. Every time he kills 2 enemy champions, you earn a reward based on his form:
  • Shadow Assassin: 3 gold
  • Rhaast: 1 tactician VP
  • Headlining Effect: +10% power and the Shadow Assassin grants 2 additional gold while Rhaast restores 1 additional health

  • Lucian, Jazz/Rapidfire
  • Role: Physical Carry / Range: 4
  • Spell: Fires shots towards the furthest enemy. Each shot explodes on the first enemy hit, dealing physical damage to all nearby enemies and reducing their armor for the remainder of the fight.
  • Headlining Effect: +10% AD and Lucian fires 4 additional shots

  • Qiyana, True Damage / Crowd Diver
  • Role: Physical fighter / Range: 1
  • Spell: Qiyana copies 1 / 2 / 3 completed objects from her target and throws them to an ally on whom they would work well. She then knocks her target back and inflicts physical damage. If no item was copied, the target is sent further away and takes additional true damage.
  • Bonus Bling-bling: After the spell kills a champion with a copyable item, create a permanent component based on the copied item.
  • Headlining Effect: +5% AD and when Samira copies an item, she gains an additional +5% AD

Sona, Mixmaster/Spellweaver

Role: Magic Caster / Range: 4

Mixmaster: The Mixmaster chooses its fate when it is placed on the board. Each version has a passive effect that replaces its basic attacks and an active effect.

Spell (heal / shield) :
- Passive: Sona's attacks heal an ally based on their max HP.
- Active: Sona gives a shield to all her allies for 6 seconds.

Spell (attack speed) :
- Passive: Sona's attacks give an attack speed bonus to an ally.
- Active: Sona grants bonus attack speed to all her allies and her attacks deal bonus magic damage for 6 seconds.

Spell (damage) :
- Passive: Sona's attacks give Sona and an ally a power bonus.
- Active: Sona deals magic damage to the 5 closest enemies.

Headlining Effect: +5% attack speed and each attack increases Sona's attack speed by 2%


  • Yorick, Pentakill/Mosher/Guardian
  • Role: Physical fighter / Range: 1
  • Spell: Summon zombies that jump towards the center of the board. Each of them deals physical damage three times. Zombie damage reduces armor by 20% for 3 seconds.
  • Every 2 throws, also summon a LARGE zombie with bonus health points and which inflicts three times physical damage.
  • Headlining Effect: +300 HP, it summons 2 additional zombies and the BIG zombie is EVEN BIGGER and deals 20% more damage

  • Ziggs, Hyperpop/Dazzler
  • Role: Magic Caster / Range: 5
  • Spell: Throws a bomb at the current target that deals magic damage. It breaks into bombs that reduce their target's magic resistance for 4 seconds and deal magic damage. Each throw increases the number of bombs by 3.
  • Headlining Effect: +15% power reduces max mana by 10

Please note that the figures in the article were noted during the testing phase, and may have been modified in the meantime.
