In WoW, there are many objects, ore, and even plants that you will have to farm. Here's how to get Eglantine effectively!
Season of Discovery or rather Season of Discovery is one of the big announcements at Blizzcon. Released on Thursday, November 30, 2023, it broke all records, whether in terms of players, spectators on Twitch, or even fun!
The Season of Discovery is divided into several distinct phases, each of which unlocks content and a maximum achievable level. In addition to the new features present in the SoD mode, there are materials from the basic WoW Classic. Find out how to get Rosehip in WoW Classic SoD.
How to get Rosehip in WoW Classic SoD and farm a ton of it?
Eglantine can be found in several areas of WoW Classic (source Wowhead). Here is a list of locations where you can encounter this valuable herb:
- Hillsbrad Foothills (328)
- Duskwood (121)
- Azshara (114)
- Darkshore (105)
- Les Carmines (97)
- Northern Barrens (94)
- Les Paluns (87)
- West March (83)
- Bloodmist Isle (77)
- Loch Modan (73)
- Les Serres-Rocheuses (68)
- The Ghostlands (68)
- Silverpine Forest (51)
- Ashenvale (23)
- Southern Barrens (8)
- Razorblade Kraal
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