With a world as large as Pandora, the map is bound to be a particularly useful tool for players of Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. However, the latter is not necessarily so simple to understand, in particular, because of its fog of war. We help you get by.
How to reveal the fog of war?
Once you have completed the first main quests of Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, you will finally have access to the open world offered by the game. As is often the case with Ubisoft titles, the latter is particularly large and filled with objects and other additional activities to be carried out. However, to find them, you will first have to get rid of the fog of war that clouds the map. Unfortunately, you may have a hard time doing this.
If Ubisoft games have often been criticized for their redundant structure based on searching towers to reveal the surroundings, you may well regret them in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. Indeed, there is simply no way to reveal large portions of the fog of war on Ubisoft's latest game. To reveal the map and its points of interest, you will have no other choice than to explore each plot of land on Pandora yourself. For this reason, we very strongly recommend that you wait until you unlock the flying mount before you start hunting for collectibles, which shouldn't take up much of your time as you focus on the main quest.
What do the different points of interest correspond to?
Between the particularly thick fog of war and the general lack of clarity of the map offered by Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, you could quickly feel a little lost in the face of the different points of interest indicated on the latter. Purple dots, blue dots, purple flows… a lot of information may jump out at you without really knowing what to do with it. To help you see more clearly, we offer to guide you through this ordeal.
If you explore a large portion of an area before opening your map, one of the first things that might jump out at you are the various blue and purple dots all around your layout. These are in fact two sides of the same coin which correspond to the different collectibles and other ancillary activities of the game. Indeed, the purple dots simply correspond to unknown collectibles whose identity will be revealed once you get close enough. The purple dot will then turn into a blue dot, and hovering your cursor over it will tell you which collectible it is (Bellstem, tarsyu shoot, ikran equipment basket, etc.). Once you have collected the collectible in question, the dot will turn green to tell you that you no longer have to return there. Note also that you can choose to remove the position of all collectibles already collected by pressing the corresponding key (look at the indications at the bottom of the map).
Aside from the colored dots corresponding to the collectibles, you should also notice two other peculiar things on the map: the purple streams and the orange areas. The first correspond to the position of the Tarsyu, which we strongly advise you to discover as quickly as possible. Indeed, it is thanks to the latter that you will be able to learn the famous, particularly effective Ancestor Skills. The orange zones, for their part, indicate regions polluted by the RDA. Inside, it is impossible to pick any plant or hunt any animal. You will therefore have to destroy the associated RDA base to clear the area. Look for a base or tower in the orange area to find it.
Finally, know that you can also add your own markers to the map. The main marker will even be found on your in-game compass, which is very handy for tracking your quest objective without having to open the map menu every 5 minutes. But also don’t underestimate the “buffer” markers that you can place wherever you want. Indeed, it is an excellent way to note the few places where particular resources are found, such as caves for example.
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