In this The Invincible guide, you'll learn what tools you can use in the game, what they do, and how to use them.
The player's main equipment in The Invincible is tools. They have different functions and are useful at different stages of the game. You will acquire all the tools quite early, right at the beginning of the game - immediately upon arriving at the camp you will already have a full set of four tools.
A map is a universal and useful tool for navigating the area. Jasna automatically takes notes and sketches of places visited as supplements. It is presented in the form of a diary - each minor location is shown on a separate page. The map will also remind you of your current mission objective via a notification at the top of the screen.
In the upper left corner of the journal, there is a planetary map icon showing the entire surface of Regis III, divided into sectors. Interacting with a given sector will reveal a detailed map of that specific location.
A telemeter is an instrument that acts like a telescope. With its help you can observe distant objects. You can zoom in and out freely when using the tool.
A tracker is a tool used to determine the location of specific mission objectives. At certain points in history, you will look for signals - this device will lead you to them. Follow the glowing dot on the Tracker screen. It will show you the direction and distance to your destination.
The Detector performs the same role as the Tracker. At certain points in the story, you will have to look for metal objects - the device will mark them through walls, stones and other obstacles.
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