Meloetta is one of the most... mysterious Pokémon from The Indigo Disc: here's where you can find it and how to catch it in Scarlet and Violet.
One of the biggest secrets since the launch of The Indigo Disc DLC is the location of the Mythical Pokémon Meloetta. Dataminers discovered that there was an encounter somewhere in the DLC, but it took a while to figure out how to activate it.
Luckily, it has now been discovered and you can catch this Mythical Pokémon right now.
In this guide, we will explain how to find and capture Meloetta in the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet DLC The Indigo Disc.
Before we begin, you may need to have completed the main story of The Indigo Disc DLC before Meloetta appears, but this is unconfirmed. If the following method doesn't work and you haven't completed the story, try finishing it and going back.
You must go to a specific point east of the outdoor classroom in the Coast Sector, indicated on the map above. In this grassy area, there will be a bush that has a small swirl of leaves swirling around it – you'll have to get very close for the effect to make its appearance.
Stand in the center of this swirl of leaves and perform a spin in the same direction the leaves are spinning – you can perform the spin by quickly moving the left analog stick in a circle. The rotation must be maintained for 30 seconds: just move the stick at a constant pace and it should work.
Once the rotation is finished, immediately take out the camera by pressing down on the D-pad, then scroll through the camera filters using the left and right buttons on the D-pad to find the Sepia filter.
Look around in a circle and after a few seconds you will start to hear Meloetta's voice singing over the music, and shortly after you will see Meloetta herself. She will continue to sing her Old Song for as long as she is there, but you can fight and try to capture her by interacting with her.
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