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South Park Phone Destroyer – Guide to the best cards


South Park Phone Destroyer – Guide to the best cards

South Park Phone Destroyer is a truly rich card game, full of mechanics and characters coming directly from the irreverent cartoon. But which are the best ones to have at all costs? Here is the list


A wonderful card with a huge range, the ideal would be to keep it behind the other cards for as long as possible to do a lot of damage. Its weakness, of course, is close combat. 


An op card that will probably get nerfed sooner or later. Rats are real killers, they eliminate the attack animations of others and are difficult to counter… Use it while you can!


A low-cost card with great stats. One of the best 2-drops in the game, it's extremely easy to upgrade. 


A card with a very interesting aura effect that actually breaks down enemies' attacks. Once placed in a certain position it is difficult to remove, so use it wisely. Unfortunately, it's an epic.


Perhaps the best assassin in the game, he never survives for long but has a devastating damage boost that allows him to claim many victims.  
