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Base Palworld, what are the best locations?

 In Palworld, one of the most important elements will be to choose the location of your base. We give you 5 locations and some advice.

Palword was one of the most anticipated games at the start of 2024 and the title is now available in early access since this Friday, January 19 on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

Within the game, you will be able to capture and manage Pals, as well as create your base or rather your bases since as you progress, you will be able to unlock more. Some players are wondering where to place their bases and we are going to give you five locations that are particularly interesting.

Best Base Locations in Palworld

If you want to have the best possible location for your base on Palworld, well, there are a few things to consider first. Ideally, it should:

  • Be on as flat an area as possible
  • Have key resources, such as iron ores or wood and stone to a lesser extent
  • If possible, have a single entry point to control the arrival of raids made by enemies
  • Being near a teleporter, a tower, a dungeon or a place of interest such as merchant locations

Location 1 – Best location for first base

The very first base that you will be able to build is located close to where you appear at the start of the game. In the location that you will see below, you will find all the elements mentioned above, which makes it an ideal place to get started.

Location 1 – Best location for first base

Location 1 – Best location for first base

Location 2 – Best location for second base

The best location for the second base is very high up, it offers you many resources, as well as a breathtaking view of the surroundings, making defense easier. You can also see what you can do with this location by watching the video that follows. 

Location 2 – Best location for second base

Location 2 – Best location for second base

Location 3

This third basic location once again brings together all the previously mentioned elements and you will find yourself on a huge plateau facing the sea. It is rich in iron veins, which can quickly be interesting when you start making more advanced equipment...

Location 3

Location 3

Location 4

The fourth location that we recommend is very close to a teleporter but in addition to an enemy base where you will be able to recover a Pal, as well as resources from the enemies. The only downside is that the terrain is not particularly flat, but you will find all the basic resources there.

Location 4

Location 5

This last location is particularly interesting, because there you will find iron veins, a bottleneck to fight enemies, but also the smuggler to resell Pals or enemies that you have captured in your Spheres.

Location 5

Location 5

Obviously, these locations are indicative and it is entirely possible that you prefer other places to place your base.
