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Best Pal farm Palworld, tier list for Farming

 In Palworld, you will be able to capture many Pals, but which ones are the best to manage the farm? We give you the answer.

Palword was one of the most anticipated games at the start of 2024 and the title is now available in early access since this Friday, January 19 on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

Within the game, you will be able to capture and manage Pals, cute little creatures, but which can be quite ferocious. When creating your base, you will be able to assign Pals to different tasks, including the farm to obtain resources. Some players are wondering which are the best Pals for the farm and we will therefore give you the list.

What are the best Pals for farming in Palworld?

If you want to know which are the best Pals to manage the farm in Palworld, well, you should know that there is no real best. Each Pal linked to the firm task produces a resource and we will therefore give you the Pal for each element to recover.


Eggs are an important item for creating cakes, if you want to breed Pals through your ranch. Only one creature in the game can produce them and it is Chikipi, one of the Pals that you will meet very early in your adventure.



To have milk, again only one Pal can produce it and it is Mozzarina, a kind of Pal resembling a cow. Milk is one of the ingredients necessary to make the cakes that you will use on your ranch to reproduce Pals.

Red berries

Red berries can be produced by fields, but also by placing a Pal on your farm, namely Caprity. As a reminder, berries are one of the ingredients necessary to create the cakes that you will use on your ranch to reproduce Pals.


Honey is also one of the ingredients needed to make the cakes that you will use on your ranch to breed Pals. To get some, you will have to place a Beegarde in your base.

Daddy's beard

If you want to produce food via Pals in your base, there are several Pals who can make food through the farm and this is particularly the case for Woolipop which allows you to obtain cotton candy.

Ignition device

To create all the equipment related to fire, you will need to have ignition devices. If it is possible to have some by capturing or defeating certain Pals, you can also produce some thanks to your farm by placing a Flambelle there. In addition, this Pal can also take care of the tasks of Fire Lighting, Manual Work, and Transport.

Random objects

If you want to collect Spheres, gold or even arrows, and many other objects from time to time, you will have to place a Vixy in your farm.


Gold is necessary to be able to buy Pals from merchants or smugglers. You can get some on the farm with Vixy randomly as we told you previously, but to get some for sure, you will have to place a Mau or a Mau Cyst in your base. They will produce quite a bit of gold for you.


As for wool production, you have three Pals who can produce wool when it passes through the farm. We thus find:

  • Lamball
  • Cremis
  • Melpaca

Wool is useful for creating fabric, an item needed to create certain elements of your base and armor.

Quality fabric

The quality fabric that is necessary for making some higher quality equipment can only be produced by one Pal, which is Sibelyx. You will find it in the snowy area.
