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Best Pal transport Palworld, tier list to move your resources

 In Palworld, you will be able to capture many Pals, but which ones are the best for transport? We give you a tier list.

Best Pal transport Palworld, tier list to move your resources

Palword was one of the most anticipated games at the start of 2024 and the title is now available in early access since this Friday, January 19 on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

Within the game, you will be able to capture and manage Pals, cute little creatures, but which can be quite ferocious. When creating your base, you will be able to assign Pals to different tasks, including transport to move your resources. Some players are wondering which are the best Pals for transport and we will therefore give you the list.

What are the best Pals for transportation in Palworld?

If you want to know which are the best Pals to handle transportation in Palworld, well, they are Wumpo and Wumpo Botan, the only ones with level 4 in transportation. However, here is a complete table with a tier for each Pal that can move what is produced within your base. It should be noted that in the following table, the food column is the quantity of food consumed by the Pal with a score out of 10.

TierPalElementActivities (level)Food
SSWumpoIceTransport (4), Slaughtering (3), Manual work (2) and Refrigeration (2)8
SSWumpo BotanPlantTransport (4), Slaughter (3), Manual work (2) and Seed (1)8
S+HelzephyrDarknessTransport (3)8
SMossandaPlantTransport (3), Seed (2), Manual work (2) and Slaughter (2)5
SMossanda LuxLightningTransportation (3), Power Generation (2), Manual Work (2) and Slaughtering (2)5
SGoriratNo elementTransport (3), Slaughter (2) and Manual work (1)3
SVanwyrmFire/DarknessTransport (3) and Lighting the fire (1)6
SVanwyrm CrystIce/DarknessTransport (3) and Refrigeration (2)6
SBeakonLightningTransport (3), Energy Generation (2) and Collection (1)7
SRagnahawkFireTransport (3) and Lighting the fire (3)7
SWarsectPlant/SoilTransport (3), Slaughter (2), Seed (1) and Manual work (1)6
SQuivernDragonTransport (3), Seed (2), Extraction (2) and Manual work (1)4
SGrizzboltLightningTransportation (3), Power Generation (4), Slaughtering (2) and Manual Work (2)7
SFalerisFireTransport (3) and Lighting the fire (3)8
SOrserkLightning/DragonTransport (3), Energy generation (4) and Manual works (2)7
HASPenkingWater/IceTransport (2), Watering (2), Extraction (2), Refrigeration (2) and Manual work (2)8
HASKillamariDarknessTransport (2) and Collection (1)3
HASHangyuGroundTransport (2), Collection (1) and Manual work (1)2
HASHangyu CrystalIceTransport (2), Collection (1), Refrigeration (1) and Manual work (1)2
HASIncineramFire/DarknessTransport (2), Manual work (2), Fire lighting (1) and Extraction (1)4
HASIncineram NoctDarknessTransport (2), Manual work (2) and Extraction (1)4
HASRobinquillPlantTransport (2), Collection (2), Manual work (2), Pharmacy (1), Slaughtering (1) and Seed (1)3
HASRobinquill TerraPlant/SoilTransport (2), Collection (2), Manual work (2), Pharmacy (1) and Slaughtering (1)3
HASBeegardePlantTransport (2), Collection (1), Manual work (2), Pharmacy (1), Slaughtering (1), Seed (1) and Farm (1)3
HASTombatDarknessTransport (2), Collection (2) and Extraction (2)5
HASLovanderNo elementTransport (2), Pharmacy (2), Manual work (2) and Extraction (1)5
HASBushiFireTransport (2), Slaughter (3), Fire lighting (2), Manual work (1) and Collection (1)4
HASKatressDarknessTransport (2), Pharmacy (2) and Manual works (2)5
HASWixenFireTransport (2), Fire lighting (2) and Manual work (2)5
HASVerdashPlantTransport (2), Collection (3), Manual work (3), Seed (2) and Slaughter (2)3
HASAnubisGroundTransport (2), Manual work (4) and Extraction (3)6
BLamballNo elementTransport (1), Farm (1) and Manual work (1)2
BCattivaNo elementTransport (1), Collection (1), Manual work (1) and Extraction (1)2
BFuackWaterTransport (1), Watering (1) and Manual work (1)2
BSparkitLightningTransport (1), Energy generation (1) and Manual works (1)2
BTanzeePlantTransport (1), Collection (1), Seed (1), Slaughter (1) and Manual work (1)2
BPengulletWater/IceTransport (1), Watering (1), Refrigeration (1) and Manual work (1)2
BDepressoDarknessTransport (1), Extraction (1) and Manual work (1)2
BDaedreamDarknessTransport (1), Collection (1) and Manual work (1)3
BFuddlerGroundTransport (1), Extraction (1) and Manual work (1)2
BCelarayWaterTransport (1) and Watering (1)3
BFlopiePlantTransport (1), Collection (1), Pharmacy (1), Seed (1) and Manual work (1)3
BBristolPlantTransport (1), Collection (1), Pharmacy (1), Seed (1) and Manual work (1)
BGobfinWaterTransport (1), Watering (1) and Manual work (1)3
BGobfin IgnisFireTransport (1), Fire lighting (1) and Manual work (1)
BRibbonyNo elementTransport (1), Collection (1) and Manual work (1)
BDumudGroundTransport (1), Extraction (1) and Manual work (1)
BLeezpunkDarknessTransport (1), Collection (1) and Manual work (1)
BLeezpunk IgnisFireTransport (1), Collection (1), Fire lighting (1) and Manual work (1)
BDazziLightningTransport (1), Energy generation (1) and Manual works (1)2
BLunarisNo elementTransport (1), Collection (1) and Manual work (3)2
BFlambelleFireTransport (1), Collection (1), Fire lighting (1), Farm (1) and Manual work (1)2
BVaeletPlantTransport (1), Pharmacy (3), Collection (2), Seed (2) and Manual work (2)3
BRelaxaurusWater/DragonTransport (1) and Watering (2)7
BRelaxaurus LuxLightning/DragonTransport (1) and Energy Generation (3)7
BPetalliaPlantTransport (1), Seed (3), Collection (2), Pharmacy (2) and Manual work (2)3

Wumpo and Wumpo Botan are arguably the two best Pals for transportation. However, both can take care of other tasks so if you want to have a Pal that only does transportation, we highly recommend grabbing a Helzephyr.
