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MSI 2024 LoL, dates and location of the next edition of the mid-season tournament!

 During the presentation of the 2024 season by Riot Games, we were treated to information on the competitions including the MSI. We tell you more.

MSI 2024 LoL, dates and location of the next edition of the mid-season tournament!

Every year, Riot Games and its development teams take the floor to reveal what will soon arrive on Summoner's Rift in League of Legends or to provide information on other projects around its famous license.

Among everything that was revealed for the 2024 season, we were able to learn more about the competitive circuit and of course, the MSI, one of the two major tournaments of the competitive year in LoL. We thus learned the location, the format, as well as the dates for the competition.

MSI 2024 will take place in China

We knew little about MSI 2024, but Riot Games has made plenty of announcements about the tournament. The MSI will take place from May 1 to 19 in Chengdu, China. As for the format, the MSI 2023 double elimination rule is renewed, but this year, the winner of the MSI will automatically qualify for the World Cup, which will count as an additional place for their region.

Finally, we remind you that the next three champions who will be released in 2024 have been presented and we will be entitled to an ADC with Smolder who will be available in a few days, a mid-distance sololaner mage coming from Vastaya and Ambessa Medarda, Mel's mother in Arcana.
