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Walkthrough of Portal: Revolution - all riddles and puzzles


Walkthrough of Portal: Revolution - all riddles and puzzles

Portal: Revolution is a free fan modification for owners of Portal 2, in which players will find many new puzzles. Unlike other parts, here you have to use the environment of several test rooms at once, which adds variety and complexity. In this guide, we will describe a detailed walkthrough of the game and tell you how to quickly solve all the puzzles.

Chapter 1: "First day of work"

Having woken up, we inspect the room. To the right of the exit, you will see a picture with a monitor hidden behind it. We press the red button and move along the linear corridor.

Level 1

Press the button and go through the blue portal. In the new room on the left, activate the cube and place it on the large button.

Level 1

Level 1

Level 1

Move the new cube to another button. A passage will open, where by clicking on the switch you will destroy one cube and create a new one, which will fall on the desired panel and open the passage.

Level 1

We listen to the monologue until the door opens. We wait for the portal gun to shoot at the desired wall and enter the portal. Once on the balcony, we enter the portal again when the portal gun shoots at another wall. We select the device and return to the orange portal. We shoot at the blue passage near the exit and go to the elevator.

Level 1

Level 2

We create a portal under the cube and go through the blue barrier. We open a passage in the wall, take the cube, and place it on the button. In the next room, we stand on the platform to go up to the door.

Level 2

Level 2

Level 3

We stand on the button and shoot into the middle of the room. We create a cube and return using the created portal. We put the blue passage even further, right at the exit, and go there with a cube that needs to be placed on the button.

Level 3

Level 3

Level 4

Note: The laser beam does no damage, but the red barrier instantly kills.

We immediately pass through the barrier. We select the cube and open the blue portal. Having passed into it, we leave the cube. We place a new passage opposite the beam, then place a cube so that the beam passes into the portal.

Level 4

Level 5

We get to the orange portal and activate the cube. We install it on the button on the right. We shoot a portal into the opened passage and create a new cube. We go back and create a gate at the exit.

Level 5

Level 5

Place the cube with lenses on the button to remove the barrier. We swap the cubes, turn the beam, and open the exit.

Level 5

Level 5

Level 6

We create a blue portal below and jump into it. A platform will appear under the pipe with cubes, where we place a new portal so that the cube will fly into our hands after pressing the button.

Level 6

We go to the very end of the room. Create a gate right under the pipe and press the button. When the cube flies out of the orange portal, we install a new passage on the wall opposite. Placing the cube on the button will open the barrier, but the orange portal will move. We create a portal under the pipe of the second cube, press the button, and run to place a second passage on the wall. We swap the cubes so that the first one is taken to the panel at the beginning of the level. We turn the beam so that the exit opens.

Level 6

Level 6

Level 6

Level 7

We use the faith panel to jump to the other side. We place the portal under the pipe and return to the beginning. We press the button on the wall and open the gate on the floor to catch the discarded cube. We leave it on the button on the other side. We activate the faith panel and fly into the blue portal, after which we create a new one while in the air. We do the same with the quest ball, catch it, and place it on the panel to open the door.

Level 7

Level 7

Level 7

Level 8

We climb up to the laser and activate the pipe with the mirror cube. It needs to be moved to the button and positioned so that the laser is directed into the portal, but we set up the passage when we find ourselves on the platform. Having picked up the second cube, we return and place it on the button. Having reached the exit, we place the blue portal in front of the device, jump down to the orange portal, and create a new mirror cube that will direct the laser to the second floor through the gate.

Level 8

Level 8

Level 8

Level 9

We place the portal near the button, go into it, and pick up the cube. We create a portal higher, then a new cube with which we will block the laser beam. Open a portal above the button to create a bridge. Using the panel of faith, we get to the laser on the other side. We open the blue gate, go into it, and create a new cube that will block the laser. We activate the bridge, make a hook, and pick up the cube without touching the barrier.

Level 9

Level 9

Level 9

Level 9

Additional level

Click on the red button to open the orange portal. In the hallway, there is a wall for a blue portal. In the last room, we open the passage, press the button, and run into the orange gate. Enough time to secure a position to obtain a position. We returned to the beginning of the level, where the elevator was blocked.

Additional level
