On Enshrouded, it will sometimes happen that you encounter error messages including the one that interests you. We tell you how to solve it.
On Enshrouded, as on many other online games, it will sometimes happen that players sometimes encounter problems when they try to launch the title to play it or directly when they are playing with their friends.
Typically, if this happens to you, you will see an error message and among these, we find one that says this: No compatible graphics device. If this happens to you too, here is a solution to fix it.
How to fix the “No graphics device compatible” bug on Enshrouded?
If, like some players, you encounter this problem when you launch Enshrouded from Steam and you are looking for a solution, well, here is what you can do:
- First, check that your graphics card meets the minimum configuration. As a reminder, you must have an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 (with 6GB VRAM) or an AMD Radeon RX 580 (with 6GB VRAM) or better of course.
- If your configuration meets the recommended specifications, you can then update your graphics drivers.
- If you have an NVIDIA graphics card, launch the GeForce Experience application then click on Drivers to see if an update is available, or click on Check for updates.
- If you have an AMD graphics card, you need to download the AMD Software Adrenalin Edition software. Then click on the gear on the right then on System on the left. You will then see if a graphics update is available.
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