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FF7 Rebirth: how to change characters in your team and how to play without Cloud?

 Want to change your team members in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth? We explain how to do it in this complete guide.

In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, managing your team is a crucial aspect of progressing in the game, especially if you choose the more demanding difficulty modes. With an ever-expanding cast, choosing the right companions for each battle is essential. Still, changing your team members can seem like a daunting task, especially for newcomers or those unfamiliar with the game interface.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth features a gameplay mechanic for switching characters within your team, but how to do so isn't immediately obvious. We explain all that to you in this article.

How to change your team in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth enriches the gaming experience by offering a variety of characters to form your ideal team. However, you can only use three at a time, making it important to know how to switch characters in your team to adapt to different combat situations.

Here's how to do it:

Access to Combat Settings: Contrary to what one might believe, the main menu under the “Team” option does not allow you to change your members. Instead, go to “Combat Settings”, located just under “Equipment and Materials” in the main menu.

Editing the Team: Once in Combat Settings, use the Triangle button to select your team leader and the Square button to edit your team. To remove a member, press X, then choose the replacement by pressing X again.

You will no doubt have noticed that you can create 3 predefined teams. You can switch before a fight by pressing X then R1 without having to go into the game menus.

How to change your team in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Team autosave: After making the desired changes, your team is automatically saved when you exit the menu. This allows you to resume exploration and combat without interruption.

Equipment and Preparation: Don't forget to equip your new team members with the appropriate equipment, Materia, and other useful items. This is crucial, especially if you haven't used certain characters in a while.

How to build a team without Cloud?

An important point to note is that during your first game, Cloud must be part of your team. Only after completing the game once can you form a team without him, opening up new strategies for your replays.

How to build a team without Cloud

Switching characters in FF7 Rebirth is a breeze once you know the procedure. This flexibility in your team composition allows you to explore different strategies and fully enjoy the Final Fantasy experience. Feel free to experiment with different limbs to find the combination that works best for you, while keeping equipment tips in mind to maximize your chances of success.
