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 In Dragon's Dogma 2 you don't choose a class in the classic sense, but rather pursue different career paths. We'll tell you what you need to know about fighters, thiefs, magicians, etc. and how you can change your class.

How do classes work in Dragon's Dogma 2? At the start of the game you choose one of four so-called careers: fighter, magician, archer or thief. Each career has a unique play style as well as individual strengths and weaknesses.

You can unlock up to six additional career paths over the course of your adventure. In order to become a warrior or archmage, you have to bring a two-handed sword or a magic staff to Klaus in the Vernworth guild hall as part of an early quest.

Each guild hall also allows you to switch between the careers you have learned and unlock or equip new skills.

These classes/careers exist in Dragon's Dogma 2

What classes are there? In addition to the four starting classes, you can also unlock the following careers: Warrior, Archmage, Mystic Blade, Illusionist, Magic Archer and Warmaster.

At the beginning of your journey, you can choose a career not only for your hero, but also for your main vassal. Vassals can take on the roles of Fighter, Mage, Archer, Thief, Warrior and Archmage.

The special careers Mystic Blade, Illusionist, Magical Archer and Warmaster are only available to the Awakened.

Let's take a look at the peculiarities of the classes in Dragon's Dogma 2 below:


How does the fighter play? The perfect calling for anyone who likes to be at the forefront with a sword and shield in hand. On the one hand, the fighter distributes offensively, but is also a good defender.

The fighters' balanced style sees them alternate between charging at the enemy line from the front and defending their comrades, while deflecting blows with their shield and delivering quick slashes with their sword.


How does the magician play? The magician is a classic ranged fighter who can cast both offensive and defensive spells. He uses staffs for this in battle.

He also serves as support for the entire group, for example with healing spells. Or he increases the effectiveness of his companions by enchanting the weapons.

Since the magician himself is rather weak on his feet, he should keep a certain distance from the opponents. However, he can make an important difference in battle with strong attack spells or, alternatively, with the support of his companions.

The agony of choosing a class – which career path will you pursue?
The agony of choosing a class – which career path will you pursue?


How does the thief play? The Thief is a new starting class within the world of Dragon's Dogma. This class attacks with quick, targeted attacks in close combat. However, the thief can withstand less than the fighter, who can also sometimes act as a tank.

That's why you need to be careful as a thief. Knowing when to strike and when to duck is key to their strategy. The high mobility helps, which can be further improved through various skills and escape actions.

And of course, as the name suggests, the thief likes to steal items from opponents.


How does the archer play? Just like the magician, the archer is a ranged fighter. He deals physical damage and is not particularly resistant to attacks himself. That's why the archer prefers to avoid enemy attacks and look for new positions for his own attack.

Similar to the thief, the archer does not limit himself to single attacks. He prefers to fire in short intervals and keep the opponents on their toes. He finds opponents' weak points and attacks them specifically with his special arrows.

At higher levels he will be able to shoot several arrows at once. In addition, his mobility increases, which should make it easier to avoid enemy attacks. With his Quiet Shot he can also cause high damage to a target.


How does the warrior play? The fighter is a classic frontline soldier who stands at the front and deals a lot of damage. He has a charged punch that does extra damage and quickly decimate opponents.

Warriors like to use powerful two-handed weapons such as greatswords or hammers. Compared to fighters, warriors can carry heavier weapons, but they do without a protective shield.


How does the Archmage play? As an archmage, you deal a lot of damage with a magic staff and your magic attacks. This specialization deals area damage and allows for better control of the battlefield. In contrast to magicians, archmages are primarily more offensive fighters.

One disadvantage is that many spells take some time to be cast. If the archmage is hit by an opponent during this time, he will be interrupted. It is therefore advisable to find a safe place before starting the attack.

The following special careers are only available to the main character, the Awakened One. But not the vassals.

Mystical blade

How does the Mystic Blade play? This career mixes melee combat and magic. If you can't decide between the two fighting styles, the Mystic Blade is perfect for you.

With the duo spear, a special weapon, the mystical blade cuts through opponents. In addition, magic can be used to stun enemies, or to become Jedi and throw objects at them using telekinesis.

Overall, the Mystic Blade looks like a very dynamic class that attacks quickly and deals out sufficient damage.

Magic archer

How does the Magic Archer play? Shooting at enemies with magical arrows from a safe distance is the core of this calling and makes it quite unique. The arrows do different damage - so you should have the right ones in your luggage depending on your opponent's weakness.

This calling can not only score points in offensive combat, but can also heal group members and provide further support. The Magic Archer has an exclusive ability that deals large area damage but also reduces your life bar.


How does the illusionist play? This calling relies on an unusual weapon: the censer. As the name of the class suggests, the illusionist uses it to create illusions. This can be used to deceive opponents so that they start fighting each other, for example.

Or you can create a clone of yourself. The illusionist can also increase the powers of allied vassals for a certain time. Aside from the offensive abilities, the class seems to rely primarily on support.


How does the Warmaster play? This calling was recently featured in a new trailer . It is certainly the most flexible of all classes. You can use it to switch between all kinds of weapons and try out the play styles of other callings.

However, there is also a disadvantage: the Warmaster has comparatively low stats. That's why you should adapt your equipment depending on the situation in the game in order to respond best to the challenge.

This calling can be used in combat as well as in support and defense. You just have to show your brains and have a lot of skill in very different fighting styles.

Which class is right for me?

Since you can switch between all the careers you've learned at any time in the guild hall, there's nothing stopping you from trying out all the play styles. Alternatively, the developers of the game offer a quiz on the official Dragon's Dogma 2 website that you can use to find out which class is right for you. The quiz only has a few questions and is quick to do.

How do I improve and change my class?

If you visit the guild hall of a city, you can change the career of your hero and your main vassal there. Useful: As soon as you invest the so-called DP points to unlock a known career, you automatically receive weapons and armor pieces that match the new class.

For each career you can unlock special weapons and core skills using DP points. You move the weapon skills into your four skill slots. Core skills, on the other hand, expand your basic skills - for example, a thief can learn how to jump from a wall.

General skills, on the other hand, are available to all careers. With Satisfaction you get a few health points when you kill an enemy. Sophistication ensures that you are less likely to be targeted by adversaries.
