This is what you have to do if you want to change the appearance or skins of your characters in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Yes, it can be done and the process is quite simple.
As you progress through the story of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth , there will be some specific moments where the group will change clothes . However, these clothes will be taken from you as you advance , and you cannot wear them outside of certain specific sections. Although you won't be able to at first, there is a way to wear other outfits at any point in the game, you just have to meet a fairly simple requirement.
How to change your clothes and wear them whenever you want
During the game, the group will change clothes in Junon , and will also do so in Costa del Sol . But then they will take your clothes off when you leave the cotera town, and give you back your standard outfits. In order to change your clothes again , you must have reached the postgame of the game , that is, finish the story . When you do, simply go to Costa del Sol and use any of the changing rooms (there are several, they have a hanger icon on the map) to change clothes. When you leave Costa del Sol, you will wear the outfits without any problem.
Note that Tifa's outfits do not show her weapon .
Most outfits are obtained as part of the story , but just in case, here they are and how to get them:
Cloud Outfits
- Ex-Soldier 1st Class - Soldier-Specific Combat Uniform: This is Cloud's standard outfit.
- Overboard, Chocobos - Beachwear inspired by the energetic water chocobo: Obtained in Chapter 6 by collecting enough tokens in the mini-games to redeem them for the special clothing.
- Piranha Surfer - Beachwear to let your hair down while surfing the most gigantic waves: obtained in Chapter 6 , by getting enough vouchers in the mini-games to exchange them for the special clothing.
- Midgar Infantry Uniform - Combat uniform used by public security department forces: obtained as part of the story.
Aeris Outfits
- Slum Florist - Attire of an affable Midgar Florist: This is Aeris's standard outfit.
- Dazzling Flora - Beach clothing that evokes the pleasant aroma of sun-kissed flowers: Obtained in Chapter 6 , by collecting enough tokens in the mini-games to redeem them for the special clothing.
- Princess and Mermaid - Beach clothes to show off palmetto in the sun: obtained in Chapter 6 , getting enough vouchers in the mini-games to exchange them for the special clothes.
- Midgar Infantry Uniform - Combat uniform used by public security department forces: obtained as part of the story.
Tifa Outfits
- Childhood Friend of Seventh Heaven - Outfit that allows you to both shake a cocktail shaker with great art and fight with great agility: it is Tifa's standard outfit.
- Stranded Beauty - Beach clothing to enjoy a great vacation. Equipped weapons will remain invisible: obtained in Chapter 6 , by collecting enough tokens in the mini-games to exchange them for the special clothing.
- Elegant waves - Beach clothing that encourages you to ride the waves crowned with foam. Equipped weapons will remain invisible: obtained in Chapter 6 , by collecting enough tokens in the mini-games to exchange them for the special clothing.
- Midgar Infantry Uniform - Combat uniform of public security forces. This outfit does not show the equipped weapon: it is obtained as part of the story.
Yuffie Outfits
- Fearless Material Hunter - Outfit of a wandering ninja in search of materials: obtained as part of the story.
- Summer orange - Beach clothing to enjoy the sand and sun without complexes: it is obtained as part of history.
- Moogle Hat - A cute moogle hat crafted by Yuffie for covert missions - obtained as part of the story.
- Wutai Star - Dance clothes to make you feel like the star of the night: obtained as part of the story.
Barret Outfits
- Avalanche Leader - Outfit of the temperamental leader at the forefront of the anti-Shinra organization's activities: this is Barret's standard outfit.
- Junon Sailor - Crew uniform aboard the Shinra company's large ships: obtained as part of the story.
Red XIII Outfits
- Hojo Specimen - Uniform of a warrior who fled the Hojo research facility: This is Red XIII's standard outfit.
- Garm the Hellhound - Outfit of the fearsome guard dog in the service of the despot Dragon King: purchased at Event Square .
Cait Sith Outfits
- Supposed Fortune Teller - Pet outfit of the cat who works as a fortune teller at the Gold Saucer: This is Cait Sith's default outfit.
- Felinastic Minstrel - Minstrel's outfit that helps the hero face his fate: purchased at Event Square .
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