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How to create a new character in Dragon's Dogma 2 and change appearance


How to create a new character in Dragon's Dogma 2 and change appearance

Dragon's Dogma 2 is already available to all owners of consoles and powerful PCs, but players everywhere are complaining about one problem: the game does not have the ability to reset progress or delete it. In this guide we will tell you how to create a new character in the game, and if you wish, simply change the appearance of the hero.

Looking forward to new adventures in the world of Dragon's Dogma 2, many gamers are wondering how to create a new character that would perfectly reflect their personality. The game's customization provides extensive options for changing your character's appearance, allowing you to fine-tune every detail of your face and body. The question arises: is it possible to create several heroes to explore the game world from different angles? And how will this affect saves? In this article we will tell you about all the intricacies of creating and managing characters in the sequel to Dragon's Dogma.

How to change a hero's appearance

Creating a new character in Dragon's Dogma 2 may seem like a daunting process, but the developers have included the ability for players to freshen up their character's appearance at any time. This is especially true when, after long hours of playing, you want to add something new to your protagonist. To do this, you don’t have to start all over again - just visit one of the hairdressers (Barberie), which can be easily found on the map by the icon in the form of scissors. In these places, players can fine-tune the character's customization: his hairstyle, hair color and other elements of appearance to his liking.

How to change a hero's appearance

In addition, there is another way to change the hero’s appearance - purchase the book “Art of Metamorphosis” for 500 RC (Rift Crystals). This item allows for more advanced customization, allowing you to change more significant aspects of your appearance, including your face shape and build. This gives you complete freedom to create and customize your ideal hero, adding even more variety to the gameplay and personal investment in your journey through the world of Dragon's Dogma.

How to create a new character (start a new playthrough)

In Dragon's Dogma 2, like many modern games, game progress is closely tied to save files. If you reach a certain point in the game and decide that you want to start over, you will find that the in-game menu does not offer the option to simply delete existing progress or start a new game. This means that in order to start the path again, you will need to manually delete the save file on the system of your device: console or PC.

On PlayStation and Xbox consoles, go to settings and find the “Saved Data” section. Find your Dragon's Dogma 2 save files, select them and select Delete.

How to create a new character (start a new playthrough)

On PC the procedure is similar. However, we recommend disabling the cloud save feature in Steam first, as manually deleting the files before launching the game will download them back to your device. For this:

  • Open the Steam launcher;
  • Click on the game in the RMB library and select “Properties” ;
  • In the "General" window, toggle the slider "Enable synchronization of saves with Steam Cloud for Dragon's Dogma 2" ;
  • Now you can start manually deleting files.

Everything else is simple. Don't close your Steam library. Right-click on Dragon's Dogma 2, select "Manage" - "Browse Local Files". Go back to the main Steam directory and navigate to the path "userdata/steamID/2054970/remote/win64_save" . Delete the win64_save folder and all contents. Now launch the game and check for saves - most likely you will be prompted to start a new game.

Is it possible to create multiple characters at the same time in Dragon's Dogma 2

In Dragon's Dogma 2, the save system is designed in such a way that the player is given only one active save file for the main character. This means that you won't be able to create and manage multiple main characters within one profile. The game does have two save slots, but they are not dedicated to different characters: one slot is used for automatic saving, and the second is for saving progress manually when resting at an inn.

However, for those who play on consoles and want to explore the game world from different perspectives, it is possible to create additional profiles on the console. Each profile will allow you to start the game over again, which can be especially useful given the lack of multiplayer mode in Dragon's Dogma 2. This solution will allow you to experience the adventure from the beginning without losing the progress of an existing character.
