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How to find the book "Annals of Karsus" and solve the riddle with the doors of the Sorcerous Cellar in Baldur's Gate 3 - guide


How to find the book "Annals of Karsus" and solve the riddle with the doors of the Sorcerous Cellar in Baldur's Gate 3 - guide

The Annals of Karsus in Baldur's Gate 3 is a forbidden book that must be obtained during the "Wizard of Waterdeep" personal quest. Gale believes that from this rare document, the team will be able to learn important information about the Netherian crown on the Elder Brain. Unfortunately, it is hidden in a magical vault, and to get to it you need to solve a puzzle. We made this guide so that completing this quest does not cause you any difficulties.

How to open the Karsus door and find the Annals of Karsus

The book "Annals of Karsus" is located in the Witch Cellar of the "Magical Supplies" - a store in Baldur's Gate. You can get here through the portal in the store itself. First, you need to go up the stairs and break open the left metal door. Next, interact with the jammed book on the shelf to your right. She will open a portal that will lead players to the vault.

How to open the Karsus door and find the Annals of Karsus

We recommend using one character with a high Perception (Attention) score, as the rooms in the cellar are full of traps. To get to the next room, you will have to open the oak door in front of you, and once you get there, break open another door.


In the third room, three magical doors will open in front of the players, which will teleport them to other places. Here are the doors you need to enter to get the Annals of Karsus:

  • Silver hand;
  • Obstruction;
  • Silver (pull the lever);
  • Daemon.
"Silver" should be behind your character, and in the room behind it there is a lever that you need to pull. After this, you must return to the previous room and go through the "Demon" door.


The door to Karsus's vault will glow and you will simply need to go into the next room to obtain the Annals of Karsus. In this room, you will also find a scroll “Overthrow”, which we definitely recommend that your wizard study.

How to open Elminster door

In order to open Elminster's Vault, you need to adhere to approximately the same principle as before. The order of opening the doors is as follows:

  • Silver hand;
  • Evocation;
  • Desire (pull the lever);
  • Any door.
How to open Elminster door

“Desire,” like earlier “Silver,” should be behind your hero’s back. There you need to pull the lever and then enter absolutely any door. This way you will find yourself in Elminster’s vault, where you can find and read the continuation of the well-known “Necromancy of Thay”. By the way, we told you where to find it here, and where to find Dark Amethyst - here.
