Relics of the past Skull and Bones: Treasure map, ancient mystical treasure... Where to find the clue to the relics of the Sea People?
Having trouble finding clues to the Sea People's relics by looking at the treasure maps in the Skull and Bones Relics of the Past contract? In this article, we explain how to get your hands on these cards, but above all where to find the ancient mystical treasures!
Where to find Relics of the Past treasure maps in Skull and Bones?
You will find this treasure map by accepting the contract given by the Sea People merchant located at Vorona Falls. The first time, the merchant will give you a unique contract (blue) which constitutes the real treasure map of the Sea People from Skull and Bones. However, by returning to see her, she will give you a repeatable contract (orange) that you can reproduce as many times as you want.
How to solve the mystery surrounding the Relics of the Past treasure maps?
Regarding the very first card, the one given with the blue Relics of the Past contract, you will just have to sail to the coast of Tenina and then go to Fort Louis. You'll find the treasure in the ruined area that's immediately to your left as you just start going up the hill.
For the second repeatable Relics of the Past contract, the orange one, you will need to go to the Mother of Wrecks camp, which is located in the Reef Sea. The treasure will not be very difficult to find, because it will be right in front of a Company merchant.
Whether it's the main Relics of the Past contract or the repeatable contract, you will then need to go to the trading village in Palissage Bay to return the relics and get your rewards.
As a reward for these two quests, you will receive (for the classic contract) cosmetics for your ship, money, a chest, and Sea People currency. As for the repeatable contract, you will only collect the coins and currency of the Sea People.
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