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No Man's Sky: How to play with friends in multiplayer mode?

 Explore the endless universe of No Man's Sky with other people and your friends! Here we tell you what you have to do to play with someone so that the space is not so lonely.

No Man's Sky: How to play with friends in multiplayer mode?

No Man's Sky, Hello Games' successful game after many years, did not hit the market at the time with a multiplayer mode available, something that was very controversial. However, after its ambitious NEXT update, the title finally included this long-awaited functionality for its entire community of players, later expanding features with Beyond. Nowadays, you can completely spend the adventure accompanied by friends or strangers. Do you want to know how? If you have doubts, continue reading this entry in our guide to discover all the details.

How to play No Man's Sky with friends?

In No Man's Sky, the multiplayer system may not be as comfortable as in other games, so it's better that we go in parts to explain how exactly it works.

First of all, we must warn you that the game modes are not compatible with each other. This means that if, for example, you want to join the game of someone who plays in Survival mode, your game must also be in that mode. On the other hand, No Man's Sky supports online groups of 2 to 4 players (up to 32 players on PC or 8 on consoles can be in the same solar system) and it is only possible to communicate with them in-game using voice commands, gestures or text chat.

Well, with that being said, here are the steps to play multiplayer:

  • When you start a game, you will be asked if you want to "Play Game" or "Multiplayer" .
  • If you select the first option you will still be able to play in the company of other random explorers, while with the second option, you can serve as a host for your friends or join their planets directly.
  • If you choose "Multiplayer", you will see a list of available games from your friends or you can select "Host new game"
  • When hosting a game you will be the host and your friends will be able to join you whenever they want.

Remember that each user in No Man's Sky has a unique 13-digit friend code. In the available multiplayer games section you can check your own friend code to share it with your friends so that they can add you to their list, and vice versa. Also in this same section, you can "Add new friend" so that your friends' games appear available to join.

Finally, at any time while playing a game you can open the options menu and access the "Network" section. Here you will find numerous settings for playing online, such as the "Multiplayer" box. If you want to play with friends, make sure it is always set to "On", otherwise your game will not be available for your friends to join.

Naturally, when playing No Man's Sky online it is possible to randomly bump into your friends while exploring the universe. Although this is extremely unlikely considering the dimensions of the game and the number of systems and planets there are. Therefore, it is more convenient to use the multiplayer menu to directly access your friends' games.

Precautions when playing multiplayer

If you are going to play multiplayer in No Man's Sky, be very careful with the people you play with. Unless they are your trusted friends, keep the following things in mind:

  • You can play alone or cooperatively at will, it is not necessary to always advance with someone or on your own, regardless of the state of your game. A novice can play with an expert and vice versa.
  • Resources are shared, that is, someone can "steal" what you were looking for.
  • There is friendly fire. This means that someone malicious can kill you while you are exploring or destroy your ship. Don't accept candy from strangers if you don't want to get into trouble.
Remember that from your game options, in the "Network" section, you can configure the "Allow PvP with" option to leave it at "No one", this way other unknown players will not be able to kill your character.
