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Tricks to survive fire in Helldivers 2, whether from an allied flamethrower or an Automáta

 Essential tricks so you can avoid the unfortunate fire damage from flamethrowers or automatons for your next games of Helldivers 2.

Tricks to survive fire in Helldivers 2, whether from an allied flamethrower or an Automáta

We can die in many ways in our games of Helldivers 2 but it is clear that dying burned by fire is not very satisfying.

And yes, it is quite common to die from a flamethrower in Helldivers 2, and if it catches you squarely it will kill you immediately.

We don't know if this will be solved with an upcoming update for Helldivers 2, but the truth is that players are already looking for ways to try to survive the annoying fire.

So we give you a series of strategies that we consider to be essential so that you can survive this flammable, and perhaps too exaggerated, element that we have in Helldivers 2.

Tricks to survive fire in Helldivers 2, whether from an allied flamethrower or an Automaton

It could be said that the user community is not very happy with the damage that fire does in Helldivers 2, and we don't know if the development team will take note.

Meanwhile, there are a series of strategies so you can survive the fire, although we already told you that if it catches you completely, say goodbye to the game.

Well, if you pass quickly through fire, for example from a flamethrower, it will take a lot of life from you, but in principle, it will not kill you. Of course, what you should do immediately afterward is get on the ground to remove the flames from your clothing.

But it is clear that passing quickly through the fire is not a very smart solution, so the other option you have is to jump just before touching the flame, which makes it take even less life from you than with the previous process.

So when you see a big flame approaching you, dive headfirst toward the ground before it hits you. It will still take your life, but not as much.

On the other hand, if an automaton starts throwing fire at you, as soon as you see the flames coming towards you, drop to the ground and roll, or you won't be able to count it later.

Note that for Hulks with flamethrowers, it is better to drop down so that the fire passes over your head. And they won't be able to point the flamethrower down if you're on the ground.

However, after the latest update, it is much easier to get out of the Hulks with flamethrowers alive, but you should try it.

Be that as it may, we will see if in another future update, the damage done by enemy fire does not consume as much as it does now.
