One of the most cryptic quests in Hogwarts Legacy is The Phantom of Our Love. All you will be given is a map with some clues, but nothing specific to guide you on where to go. In this guide, we'll break down the whole quest, so that you know exactly what you need to do once the mission begins – otherwise, you might spend too much time on it. And nobody wants that, right?
Be sure to check out our Hogwarts Legacy guide for everything you might need to know about the game, including puzzle solutions, where to find items and more.
It all starts once you've accepted the quest and received the map – though that certainly doesn't mean things will get any easier.
The map features a bridge, ruins, a forest, floating candles, and most importantly, the Lumos magic icon.
It won't take long before you figure out that this quest requires you to use Lumos at a specific point, but there are plenty of bridges in the grounds around Hogwarts. Thankfully, we found the bridge in question - it's just north of Hogwarts, near the Floo Flame of the Forbidden Forest.
Go to the bridge and use Lumos while crossing it. A jingle should play and you should be able to see floating candles appear. They will start moving and you will have to follow them.
The candles will take you to the forest. Keep using Lumos and follow the candles past the ruins shown on the map. Eventually, you'll come to a table, at which point more candles will appear along with a chest to loot.
Once you open the chest, the mission will be completed. It really is that simple, but it's not your fault if you don't immediately understand which specific bridge the quest was referring to. Please!
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